Message Board

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    Name: Apaar Tyagi
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: A human with such passion is not born everyday. We all have to leave one day only to be forgotten with time but this does not apply to legends like Major Udai Singh. He may have left young but it was him who truely lived. God bless the man.
    Posted .
    Name: Cheems
    Location: Kanpur
    Message: Remembering the legend on his balidaan diwas. Long live Major Udai ♥
    Posted .
    Name: Manoj Mishra
    Location: Delhi
    Message: Salute Major, We will forever remain indebted to you! Regards Manoj
    Posted .
    Name: Ashwin
    Location: Ghaziabad
    Message: India will always remember with immense gratitude, pride and tears, the brave hearts who sacrificed their tomorrow for our today.
    Posted .
    Name: Sandeep kumar
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Today I read in times of india about Major Udai singh in Remembrance and then after I go through the website. What a great soldier he was.Hats off to his philosophy about life,country and duty. Thanks to great parents of great son from we,countrymen. Regards
    Posted .
    Name: An aspiring Maverick
    Location: Delhi
    Message: A true soldier doesn't fight because he hates what's in front of him, but because he loves what's behind him. Condolences and enormous respect to the man who chose to look death into the eye and give all in service of what mattered most to him.
    Posted .
    Name: Govind Solanki
    Location: Delhi
    Message: God bless you!!! He was real hero of India!
    Posted .
    Name: Samir Agarwal
    Location: 1054,Sec 29, Noida
    Message: Every day, Every time we remember Maj Udai. He is immortal and will always be there like a celestial body.
    Posted .
    Name: Paraj Sharma
    Location: Delhi
    Message: You did your duty at your it's our responsibility to serve ahead.
    Posted .
    Name: Agrim Kumar Dash
    Location: Dwarka, Delhi
    Message: I will become a Maverick too.
    Posted .
    Name: Purnima
    Location: India
    Message: Alive in our hearts forever. Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: An admirer
    Location: India
    Message: Its been 18 years Major since you left us. Hope your in some place, comfortable and taking rest after all that you have done for us. Until next time Major till then Rest in Peace
    Posted .
    Name: Archana Joshi
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Dear Sir / Madam, I just read today's Times of India and saw your son's picture and the website address draw my attention. I have to open it and read it. Big Salute to you to keep him alive in such a beautiful way. Heroes never die.
    Posted .
    Location: ROHTAK,HARYANA (124001)
    Posted .
    Name: Anshu Sharma
    Location: Bathinda
    Message: Proud of you Maj Udai Singh SM. Brave soldiers like you keep us safe. We civilians can never pay you back. We salute you and your brave parents. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Arvind Sharda
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Soldiers Never Die they Fade Away.
    Posted .
    Name: Anuj Kumar Jatain
    Location: Rohtak, Haryana
    Message: Salute you sir. I will also become as same as you . Another maverick , another rambo like Maj. Udai Singh SM .
    Posted .
    Name: Arnav Sadhu
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I have never met you but the pictures and the stories I read were more then enough to make my heart sink. As someone whose father served in the Indian Air Force, that APS id card, the pictures of your childhood in the Army Quarters were more then enough familiar to me. I will always remember you Major Udai. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Ayanabh Kalita
    Location: Guwahati Assam
    Message: A true legend. A hero of mine and many more like me!!! Will definitely try my best to join 1 Para(SF) and continue your legacy!!!!!JAI HIND
    Posted .
    Name: Dr Suman Kumar Choudhary
    Location: Gorakhpur
    Message: He is in my memory. The Maverick. Proud of you. We shared room at Chakrata while undergoing orientation course in SFF. Still remember his company and evening and few Sunday spent in Dehradun. The courage, valour and stamina he had was tremendous. Commando born. His loss was painful. But yes, we sleep peacefully because of sacrifice of such heroes. I salute you Maj Uday and will always remember and tell your story to younger generation. Jai Hind..
    Posted .
    Name: Manish Sharma
    Location: Dubai
    Message: Salute you Major...You'll be always in our heart. You make us proud. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Anvay Kumar
    Location: Auckland, NZ
    Message: Bumped into this amazing website and learnt so much about Major Udai Singh. I was in Army Public School, Dagshai when he made the supreme sacrifice. I remember seeing his photos framed in the school and as a 13 year old kid I had always wanted to know more about him. Finally managed to do that. Thank you sir!
    Posted .
    Name: Nimish
    Location: Allahabad
    Message: Just read about Major Udai sir. I was kid when he sacrificed himself for the motherland. My deepest condolences to Colonel Singh. We will always remember him and his balidan for our nation. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Pradeep Singh
    Location: Farrukhabad
    Message: Some personalities are harder to describe in words. You are truly an inspiration to countless people. The Purpose of life and its true meaning is very well expressed in " THE NAPKIN".
    Posted .
    Name: Rohan
    Location: Amritsar
    Message: After reading the note on your paper napkin. I realized that how important is to have staunch purpose in life. you dedicated your life to special forces and gave the new direction to generations and inspired people to be fearless. your valour will never go vain.
    Posted .
    Name: Jai
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Thank you sir for your sacrifice. You show us how to transcend into the immortal way beyond the cities, unafraid of death and smiling in face of it. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Mayank
    Location: Chennai
    Message: I am so proud of you sir. Your name will always be there long after all of us are gone. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Prabhat Singh
    Location: Ghaziabad
    Message: One can only be proud of a soldier like Udai sir and after reading his story, I'm feeling the same. He's from that breed of men who live and die for their nation. He is on of my role models and if I can achieve even 1% of what he did and the sacrifice he made, I'll count myself lucky. He was certainly a maverick, a real life hero.
    Posted .
    Name: Shivani
    Location: Chicago
    Message: Uday, you are fondly remembered and dearly missed friend. Endless conversations, your aspiration to be an officer and boy you achieved all that and much more. Given a chance you would not change an iota of the life you lead.....but we wanted more of you. Stay blessed where ever you are. Every GMT get together starts with a toast to you.... I miss you and remember you as one of the finest friends I have ever had! Forever in my heart and on my mind.....there is so much to thank you for!
    Posted .
    Name: Col S D Malhotra
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Major Udai , we remember was a smart by in Tibbri n Oodlabari. He indeed was a true inspiring leader and devoted to his men he commanded. Salute to the Braveheart. A Star ever shinning with a saga of indomitable spirit. Vandematram. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Samiran Saha
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Respected Col Sahib and family, It is for and because of brave hearts like Major Udai Singh we lead a secure life. Salutations and respect to Major Sahib, he will always be with you and us. He has done the nation proud.
    Posted .
    Name: Kuldeep Saxena
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I remember and salute to the brave solder who led down his life for us. He was an extraordinary person.
    Posted .
    Name: Karan
    Location: Delhi NCR
    Message: Thank you for serving our nation. Rest In Peace .
    Posted .
    Name: Shailendra Singh
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Rest in peace sir!! Great soul son of great parents. I am indebted . Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Comrade
    Location: The Hideout
    Message: With the Mavericks this evening. You were all pervasive.You & your Comrades in Arms are surely one of a kind.Very very Special
    Posted .
    Name: Naveen Raghav
    Location: Mathura
    Message: Reading about Major uday sir life ,inspired and make a goal becoming as you . बाँके बिहारी जी give peace of his soul जय हिन्द
    Posted .
    Name: Coursemate
    Message: Buddy Boy, your smile was infectious and your antics hilarious. Still fondly remember time together. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Anjal Phukan
    Location: Saket. New Delhi
    Message: It is for your unforgettable sacrifice, we can lay our head peacefully at night. Your bravery not only makes us proud but keeps a mark on the Great Protectors of our Country. From one of your loving brothers.. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Rachita Sharma
    Location: Canada
    Message: Naman hai veer shaheed ko. we are so proud of you Major Udai Singh ji. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Saksham Bhatnagar
    Location: Noida
    Message: Reading about Major Udai's life, I am reassured of my abilities to make it in the army and the SF one day. Thank you sir for your service and your sacrifice. You are remembered dearly, Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Jay
    Location: London
    Message: Thank you.
    Posted .
    Name: Rohit
    Location: Boston, US
    Message: His was a saga of an indomitable spirit blazing bright. Almighty's blessings to the illustrious family for strength and healing.
    Posted .
    Name: Sandeep K
    Location: USA
    Message: I saw the url on a twitter account and am glad I visited. Proud of Major Udai Singh and his parents. May god bless you all.
    Posted .
    Name: Surg Lt Soumitra Khare
    Location: Daman
    Message: I am a naval officer myself. Sir you were and always will be the best of us. You symbolize all that is right in the world.
    Posted .
    Name: Sanchit
    Location: Jaipur
    Message: It's a great sacrifice that parents of major sahab has given. I bow down to major udai singh for his self work for our country. People like you are the reason we enjoy democracy. I don't know whether I could ever be 1 percent of you. But martyr like you has always been my inspiration. And thanks to person who worked upon this site. Jai Hind sahab
    Posted .
    Name: Parveen Kharb
    Location: Jind. Haryana
    Message: U r an inspiration for youth. We proud of u. #the real hero... #R.I.P.
    Posted .
    Name: Akshay Kumar Samar
    Location: Delhi
    Message: Some people want to live their life in their own way MAJ. UDAI SINGH,SC,SM was one of them He will always inspire encourage and motivate youth of this great nation to follow his foot step to serve the nation to the utmost priority #ALWAYS REMEMBER #UNDISPUTED# RESPECT # Shatrujit (The Conqueror)
    Posted .
    Name: Parag Pandya
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: It's a great loss to our country that we have lost most loveable and respected person in our country , your contribution to our country will be remembered throughout decades you are true inspiration for our youngsters great achievement maj. Udai Singh. Hats off to you Rip major.
    Posted .
    Name: Rohit Nirale
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Thank you.
    Posted .
    Name: Soumya Banerjee
    Location: Oxford
    Message: Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten and will not be in vain.
    Posted .
    Name: Ravi Wadhwani
    Location: London
    Message: My salute to late Maj Udai Singh and heartfelt respects to his parents and family members. His deeds of valour and heroism will always be a shining light to the future generations of youth of our motherland. Maj Udai Singh is amar. Vandemataram. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Shweta
    Location: Greater Noida
    Message: Highest regards and honor for you... Salute major.. You will always be alive in our hearts..Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Jaideep Singh
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Pranam to his family. Your son and brother is an inspiration and to him and his brothers we are eternally grateful.
    Posted .
    Name: Abhinash Kumar
    Location: Patna
    Message: My salute to major udai singh sir.we will always remember u sir,for what u have done for country our motherland india... Jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Pradeep Singh
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: I am defense aspirants and visited this site today..Salute the Major udai sir ..these real heros motivates me and many other youths to join forces ..
    Posted .
    Name: Aditya Trehan
    Message: Grateful to this fine soldier and his parents. Words can never be enough, but every citizen of this country is indebted to the family. God bless.
    Posted .
    Name: Col S D Malhotra
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: My salutes to late Maj Udai Singh, for his courage, bravery, dedication to duty. To his parents. I served with Col KKK Singh in 269 Fd Regt. Remember your Uday. We salute you Sir n Ma'am, also Lalima. Udai sacrificed his life,so that INDIANS can live peacefully. He just only physically left us but can't leave us all in our Memories. May God rest his great Soul in peace. May young generation of India draw inspiration from him , sly the APS Dagshai students and most coveted units of Para Regts. God Bless
    Posted .
    Name: Satyajit Singh Saini
    Message: Grand salute to my inspiration. The hero who served the motherland will remain in hearts forever. May God give strength to the family. Jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Ayyappam
    Location: Chennai
    Message: My salute to you Sir! You lived your life to its fullest. I wish I could just serve my country and live a life just like you. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Vaibhav Malik
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I am from Deshbandu college and pursuing political science and i want to join Indian Army.
    Posted .
    Name: Maverick
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: In r hearts n in r minds, now n forever...swing low sweet chariot !
    Posted .
    Name: Devshree Dubey
    Location: Jabalpur. Madhya Pradesh
    Message: It is indeed easy to run away from life's troubles. But one gets to live only once. It is the manner in which this life is utilized and finds its true meaning therein. No doubt u r such a soul Major. Salute to ur guts and the valor tat u displayed. Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Vivek Chandan
    Location: Noida
    Message: Salute to you. Jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Anonymous
    Location: Calicut, Kerala
    Message: You will remain in our hearts forever. Hats off sir.Salute. true champion. Jai hind...
    Posted .
    Name: Saurabh Biswas
    Location: Barrackpore, Kolkata
    Message: Never been in company of people like you. You guys do selfless work but enough is not done to tell the world about your sacrifices. Just want some means to spread your valour across all generation. Jai Hind Ki Sena!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Vaibhav Malik
    Location: Meerut
    Message: I am from Deshbandu college and doing Political science (Honours) ..really inspired by Major Udai Singh.
    Posted .
    Name: Rajesh Jaiswal
    Location: Allahabad
    Message: A true hero.
    Posted .
    Name: Gaurav Singh
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Such personalities are not born everyday. They are born once in a decade. Great are your parents and great are you. You are immortal. At such an instant, I recall a saying by Major Shaitan singh, PVC; "How can a man die better than facing fearfull odds by the temple of his father and the ashes of his gods?".
    Posted .
    Name: Sarita
    Location: Chennai , India
    Message: A Real life hero. Words are not enough to express my respect. Feeling so insignificant in front of you Udai Sir. An inspiration you are. I wish I can meet your family sometime to pay respect and show gratitude for your supreme sacrifice. Wars come and go but soldiers remain eternal, so you will be.
    Posted .
    Name: Aman
    Location: Alwar
    Message: A huge salute to the Immortal Warrior. You made the supreme sacrifice for saving the country's pride and dignity. #Salute. #Respect. #RIP Warrior.
    Posted .
    Name: Vikram
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: Respect and salute to your sir, for giving your life for India, freedom, and democracy. May you ever shine like a star in the night sky. RIP.
    Posted .
    Name: Harish
    Location: APS Dagshai
    Message: u r an idol for all of us.. especially in our(ur) school.. aps dagshai.. #rip
    Posted .
    Name: Isha Patel
    Location: Vadodara
    Message: My salute to you Sir. India is proud of you and you will always be remembered. India sleeps peacefully when you stay awake and fight for them. You inspire the young generation. Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Nitesh
    Location: Tinsukia
    Message: It fells really good that some keeping memory alive.
    Posted .
    Name: Shobhit Singh Rathore
    Location: Pilubhit (UP)
    Message: Brother, you make the Rajputs proud. THE RAJPUTANA SALUTES YOU. RESPECT. MAY GOD BLESS YOU. RAM CHANDRA JI KI JAI
    Posted .
    Name: Jishnu AS
    Location: Kerala
    Message: I am proud of u bro......proud of u
    Posted .
    Name: Sayantani Mondal
    Location: Kolkata
    Message: My heartfelt salute to Major Uday Singh.RESPECT Sir!!
    Posted .
    Name: Debanjan Roy
    Location: Kolkata
    Message: What a brave soul! We are alive today only because of such wonderful heroes like you! May God grant you ever-lasting peace!
    Posted .
    Name: Mithun
    Location: Kerala
    Message: RESPECT
    Posted .
    Name: Kiran Madhav
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: GUNS GUTS & GLORY!!! you actually lived it, your life is an inspiration to young lads. You made India proud and your family prouder.
    Posted .
    Name: Anup Soni
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Keep on smiling with that big Grin Uday!!!You were one brave guy and real funny too when not taking on the bad guys. From your old Taj Mansingh buddies from 95-96 Cheers always!!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Rajesh Bind
    Location: Baroda. Gujrat
    Message: A salute to parents of great son ,i dont have word for the son of mother India he is going to live till India exist
    Posted .
    Name: Pankaj jha
    Location: Navi Mumbai
    Message: sainikon ki shadat kbhi wyartha nahi hoti, desh rota hai jabtum jate ho !
    Posted .
    Name: Pankaj jha
    Message: desh ke es jaanbaj sapoot ki kahani padkar aankhen bhar aati hai. ye amar hai aur enke mata-pita saubhagyasali hai, hame en par naaj hai.
    Posted .
    Name: Raghav Garkar
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: My salute to the brave man who gave his today for our tomorrow , may the legacy of brave always live, jai hind
    Posted .
    Name: Ishira M
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Salute to the brave hero! Your legacy will live on.
    Posted .
    Name: Devdutta Das
    Location: Bhaurch. Gujarat
    Message: You will always be remembered major saab for the supreme sacrifice you made. Brave Heart.RIP
    Posted .
    Name: Gaurav
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I happened to read the remembrance of Major Udai Singh in the newspaper today. We all are so busy with our lives that we tend to take our freedom for granted, not knowing the sacrifices that make it possible. I salute him for his supreme sacrifice.
    Posted .
    Name: Vimal Vichar
    Location: Kanpur
    Message: Whenever I see a REMEMBERENCE like this I feel a Proud Indian, my blood biols and I again, feel Young...I always wanted to be a soldier...HATS OFF TO YOU MAJOR UDAI SINGH. The Nation will always remain indebted...From GOOD INDIANS GOOD (
    Posted .
    Name: Rahul Jain
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: Udai Sir, Your sacrifice for the secutiy and safety of the nation will always be remembered.
    Posted .
    Name: Ashish Karmakar
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Dear Major Udai Singh , I am deeply proud to read about you , your bravery and your sacrifices. I am sure you must be listening our thoughts from heaven. May your soul rest in peace. I am also proud of your parents and family members for their sacrifices. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Shalini
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Respect...Salute.proud of u shaheed Major Udai Singh.
    Posted .
    Name: Harshal Singhvi
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: Was reading about you and the only word which comes to my mind is.. RESPECT ! JAI HIND SALUTE !
    Posted .
    Name: Anil Suryawanshi
    Location: Pune
    Message: Sir, 1. My salute to this brave paratrooper . 2. Please upload his photo in uniform which shows him wearing full Medals or ribbon showing Sena Medal and S.C.
    Posted .
    Name: Cadet Ritesh
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Ur real hero of our country. I'll nvr frgt ur sacrifice. And we'r r saluting ur parents who r so luck dat they got son like u. Jai hind jai bharat. Jai Mahakali, Aayo gorkhali
    Posted .
    Name: Ranjeet Vichare
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Dear Sir's, We read the obituary in the Times of India dated November the 29th 2013. It's our daughter Anoushka's birthday too. We dedicate her birthday to the supreme sacrifice made by a Son, Soldier and a Gentleman. With deepest regards to the parents of Major Udai Singh, I remain, Ranjeet Vichare
    Posted .
    Name: Sep/HA Bhupendra Chandravanshi
    Location: Ujjain. M.P.
    Message: I salute and i proud of u Dhanya h wo maa jisne aap ke jai veer soldier ko janm diya Jai hind jai bharat.
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjit Singh Bal
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: 'The brave die never, though they sleep in dust. Their courage nerves a thousand living men'. We shall never forget. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Yadvendra Singh Deora
    Location: Indore
    Message: Salutations to the brave soldier on his day of martyrdom.
    Posted .
    Name: Suvarna Sanyal
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Dear Parents of Udai, Your son was a true son of Mother India.He will live in the heart of every man who cares for his country,and strives to make it a better place.A brave soldier never dies,but goes to a better place as a reward for his supreme sacrifice, and will never be forgotten by his grateful countrymen.Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Ashwini Wagh
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Heartfelt salute to you Sir whose supreme sacrifices protect our freedom. Deepest gratitude and respect to your parents.
    Posted .
    Name: Uttam Sharma
    Location: Navi Mumbai
    Message: The Indian nation is alive today thanks to its brave sons like Major Udai Singh . Long live his martyrdom.
    Posted .
    Name: Asit
    Location: Odisha
    Message: jai hind sir....
    Posted .
    Name: Brisco Chandra
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: All Salutations to the brave heart who lead by example and sacrifice. it is amazing to see these men who raise the bar every time where as our political leaders keep on bringing them down. Once again I bow down my head in respect.
    Posted .
    Name: Cdr SG ( '03)
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: yet another yr passes as we remember the day we lost u in the Thanamandi forests..pursuit of a solid chase, terrific action on fleeting tgts, screaming firefight..triumph was ours...only that u weren't there ! We missed u then, as we miss u now.
    Posted .
    Name: Abhinav
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Met Udai as a young boy near his house in Delhi Cantt...Always dreamt of a life like close to it but nowhere near it. God Bless his departed soul.
    Posted .
    Name: Anil
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I salute you veer major udai. Your contribution to the country and to all of us will not go in vain.
    Posted .
    Name: Vikas
    Location: Hisar (Haryana)
    Message: When I was in 8th class, our principal sir and our school would pay tribute to the hero of our school. I am alumni of army public school Dagshai. We all love u and u are inspiration for youths and my only aim is to wear this uniform. jai hind well done sir. The maverick with regards, Viki
    Posted .
    Name: Vikram
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Dear All, First of all I would like to salute to all our brave Indian Army officers who are protecting our country for us. Lets decide together to prepare more & more officers like Maj Udai for our country. I am father of 2.5 Year's old Baby. I would like to introduce his name as Gentleman Cadet, Inesh Kumar Dalal, who will join NDA in next coming years because I am preparing him accordinlgy. INDAIN ARMY IS MY PASSION.....JAI HIND....:)
    Posted .
    Name: Vikrant
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: Dear Sir, you are a true hero. Shaan teri kabhi kam na ho eh watan, mere watan. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Shrey sharma
    Location: Dehradoon
    Message: Salute to Major Uday Singh....I'll always remember you.
    Posted .
    Name: Kaushik Mukherjee
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: So proud to be from a land that produces such gods as sons.
    Posted .
    Name: Abhishek Jamwal
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: Proud of what you did and what you were sir, you will always stay in our hearts. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Raman Dewan
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Hello Sudha...What to say..guess, God has his ways..Take care. Raman/Dolly
    Posted .
    Name: Tharun Salian
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: You will always be an inspiration to those who want to serve their motherland. U will always remain alive in my heart. Salute to you Sir. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Bikash Kumar Singh
    Location: Kolkata
    Message: Salute to a great hero who's life spending very shortly b'coz he born for our great country india 'like a great son'
    Posted .
    Name: Dr Narendra Yadav
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Udai has made the supreme sacrifice ,he has sacrificed his life for his mother land you are a proud parent of such a brave kid ,may every mother have son like Udai who would die for our country we are proud of him and proud of you who have given birth to such a great son.
    Posted .
    Name: Audumbar Bhoi
    Location: Kolhapur
    Message: The one who lived forever.....Immortal in our hearts. To the guy who was special in every sense.....salute
    Posted .
    Name: Robin SIngh
    Location: Bulandshahr
    Message: My salute to this brave heart.You will remain till India stands on the face of earth. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Uttamkumar
    Location: Pune
    Message: My salutes to this brave heart. The only thing I feel bad about is the supreme sacrifice made by the greatest heroes of our defense and paramilitary forces go unnoticed.I tell you these sacrifices will never go in vain for their legacies and stories will keep inspiring the youths for generations to come to do something meaningful towards their country. Jai Hind!!
    Posted .
    Name: Gautam
    Location: Hajipur
    Message: Salute your bravery and u.
    Posted .
    Name: Vijay Rana
    Location: Jalandhar
    Message: We all indians owe alot to martyrs like Maj Udai Singh. You will remain till india stands on the face of earth. RIP.
    Posted .
    Name: Avijit Chaudhary
    Location: Pune
    Message: Deep regards to you n, its an honour and a proud feeling to know about maj uday, he will motivate us always.RIP
    Posted .
    Name: Vasu Kohli
    Location: Bareilly
    Message: Thank you.
    Posted .
    Name: Deepak
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Sir, ur an inspiration!
    Posted .
    Name: Rakesh Hazarika
    Location: Assam
    Message: 'The tyrant dies and his rule is over,the martyr dies and his rule begins..'. Sir, Salute to you. I will also join 1 para SF.
    Posted .
    Name: Akshit Gupta
    Location: Haryana
    Message: GAURV...this is not a single word ..a reason for live. That's for the live.JAI HIND!
    Posted .
    Name: Unknown
    Location: Unknown
    Message: Here, dead lie me, because I did not choose, to live and shame the land from which I sprung, life to be sure is nothing much to loose, but young men think it is, and I was young.
    Posted .
    Name: Nakul
    Location: Mussourie
    Message: We as a nation are forever indebted and grateful to martyrs like you Sir. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Debo
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: God bless your soul.
    Posted .
    Name: Gaurav
    Location: China
    Message: Uday, you will always be remembered for your bravery I am proud to have known in APS Dagshai.
    Posted .
    Name: Lt Akshay Vikram Singh Mall
    Message: i know u remember me. on the first nights of my nda days, i swear u came in my dreams nd the whole visual background of the dream was maroon(jan 08). 5 yrs hv passed, 4 of trg nd yet i dont own one. i hv failed nd i swear again i m gonna go in harder...either i get marooned or the body breaks forever. jst waitin for the chance again..I'll be back!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Prashant
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: Message: Dear Sir and Ma'm: Your son's supreme sacrifice for this nation cannot be appreciated enough, ever. My deepest gratitude to you parents for giving your brave-heart to this nation. He will remain alive in our hearts forever. With respect, Prashant
    Posted .
    Name: Gurvinder Singh
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Salute to you and your parents dear Udai......India and all Indians are proud of you...Jai Hind..Jai Bharat
    Posted .
    Name: Susan J.
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: My humble salute to you soldier.
    Posted .
    Name: Uday, Sarvinder, Aman
    Location: Chakrata/Gurgaon
    Message: Very few people know, but our son Uday Singh is named after Udai. Uday is 5+ now but his name was christened on this date 9 years ago. The day we heard about Udai's sacrifice. We were 14 course mates posted in the IMA and were at a party on the 29th night 2003.As a part of the ritualistic talk on 'those NDA days' there were many stories on Udai my husband Sarvinder started to tell everyone. I have met Udai only once, when he came over for b'fast with other free fallers in the IMA. A very pleasant, smiling gentleman. That's how I will always remember him. Our Uday knows that he's been named after Papa's friend. Today he has taken Udai's picture to his school to show everyone. I just wanted to share this with all of you. Warmly, Aman
    Posted .
    Name: Mrigya
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I do not know Major Udai Singh, but just read his remembrance note in the newspaper today and want to convey to the family that the nation is proud of hero's like him
    Posted .
    Name: Nupur Sharma
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: On this anniversary of Maj. Udai Singh,I would like to say only (JAI HIND)
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjeev Dahiya
    Location: Sonipat, Haryana
    Message: (rip) jai hind...
    Posted .
    Name: George Panakal
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: It could have been you, writing this on a site created in my memory. But you chose to be the one who stood guard while we were busy going about trivial pursuits. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Amit Soni
    Location: Mangeram Park Sector-23, Rohini, Delhi
    Message: I am looking on the NBT page no. 6 dated 29th November, 2012. The only thing I noticed here is a photograph of a young, brave and well dressed army officer Major Udai Singh. If the ocean becomes ink and all trees become pen I won't be able to write the glory of such a great soldier. Being an NCC cadet I spent my 3-4 years with Indian army officers, and here I just want to share my true love to those great souls who come on the earth and make the supreme sacrifice for their motherland. Jai Hind Major. Please be a lovely son again in your next birth to the same parents. And, I do 'Charan Sparash' of your great mother and father. My special thanks to your parents who gave birth to a great soldier. Jai Hind Jai Bharat.
    Posted .
    Name: Madhur Sharma
    Location: GhaZiabad
    Message: Tributes from me and all in the family of Major Mohit Sharma AC, SM, COASM to this son of India. I remember Mohit talking very highly of Udai and the operations they were a part of. My salute to him and Uncle and Aunty from whom me and my parents take a lot of courage. Regards, Madhur.
    Posted .
    Name: Sumedha
    Location: Noida
    Message: we miss u and are so proud of u Udai sir...... you are such an inspiration for all us daggerites and your naughty, playful memories still bring a smile to our faces from time 2 time.
    Posted .
    Name: Utpal
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: salute to the brave martyr..
    Posted .
    Name: Vinod Kumar
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Dear Udai Sir Great Salute to you. Only because of you great people, we are safe. You will be remembered for years.... Great Sir Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Sunil Misra
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: The nation is proud of such soldiers and also of proud parents. My heart goes out to the proud parents and wish them the very best - we are proud of your son and your family!!
    Posted .
    Name: Away Kaul
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Just read about Uday in the paper today; I never knew him personally but reading about THE son of India makes me proud. He achieved the supreme sacrifice; a great honour for him. I salute his parents for giving our nation a TRUE HERO. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Anil Kumar
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I salute the patriotic soldier.
    Posted .
    Name: Anup Soni
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I met Uday during his brief stint at the Taj Mansingh as a Fellow Graduate Management Trainee. He made a huge impression on me and we hit it off instantly. A Happy Go Lucky attitude to life and no worries!! The Army was his true calling and he often talked to me about it. Whatever time it lasted that hotel stint was great and we enjoyed our beers together. Was pretty devastated when I learnt about his sacrifice,now many years later and I felt a connection with him even though I had known him for a short time, such was his character and personality. Very Proud! Just saw my photo with uday in the Taj Mansingh football team with the boys in uday the child. i'm the one with the white t shirt in the middle. brought back great memories. Cheers uday!!!!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Ganesh Hebbar. P
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I am really moved by your courage & sacrifice.I salute u, Major.
    Posted .
    Name: Nikunj
    Location: Meerut
    Message: I salute u from my heart sir...and salute to those parents who gave birth to a brave tiger son.... Jai hind
    Posted .
    Name: Sohom Dev
    Location: Agartala
    Message: We will never forget your sacrifice. You will keep inspiring for the generations to come, for your love of our mother land. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Aakrant Kashyap
    Location: Janjgir Champa
    Message: Jai H Sir.
    Posted .
    Name: Om Chandra
    Location: Varanasi
    Message: Salute to ur deed sir. Will remember u always inspired youngsters.jai hind sir. u r just marvellous.
    Posted .
    Name: Deepak Sharma
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Dearest Uday, I salute ur bravery. U will forever remain in my memories as all the other mrtyrs are. I myslf cud'nt join the Army but I know the value of martyrdom. May ur sacred soul rest in peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Lieutenant Abhishek
    Location: NDA
    Message: I salute you my Sir. BHARAT MATA KI JAI. JAI HIND. You R a true soldier.
    Posted .
    Name: RVS kaushik, Ls, Indian Navy
    Location: Kochi
    Message: Vande Mataram. You are the truly son of mother India. Your name will live forever in the history of India. I salute you sir. Soldiers never die. This is how we do it.
    Posted .
    Name: Dr. Rajeev Goyal
    Location: Agra
    Message: As a local of Agra, I would request St. Georges college Agra to start a scholarship on his behalf as he studied for sometime in Agra.
    Posted .
    Name: Baljinder Singh
    Location: Gurdaspur (Punjab)
    Message: You are the son of our Nation. Hats off to you,a true warrior,nation will remember you for your greatness.
    Posted .
    Name: Devprabha
    Location: Udaipur
    Message: I respect and salute u sir.
    Posted .
    Name: Takshay Sood
    Location: Ambala Cantt
    Message: AI HIND...sir...!! Coming in para regiment..!!
    Posted .
    Name: Rajiv
    Location: Ghaziabad
    Message: True hero. May your soul rest in peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Siddharth Sachan
    Location: Kanpur. Uttar Pradesh
    Message: i salute u brother. U r always in our thoughts and memories because people like u the real heroes who gave their life for us. I salute u again and your parents.
    Posted .
    Name: Aditya
    Location: Glasgow
    Message: I just happened to come across this wonderful website.. Though I do not know you personally, I salute you brother! People like me will never realise how hard life is protecting the nation, but then that is why heroes like you will never be forgotten. My pranams to your parents.. Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Atul
    Location: Delhi
    Message: Most probably when Major Uday Singh was fighting the militants, I was sleeping comfortably in my home, unaware of what someone is doing to protect the freedom of my country. In no words is it possible to write, how big a sacrifice this brave son of his brave parents has made for his country & it’s people. Major Uday is certainly a role model for me and sir what a way to leave this physical world. I salute Maj. Uday Singh SC, SM & his parents for having brought up such a great soul on this earth.
    Posted .
    Name: Maj S Negi
    Location: Shimla
    Message: Happened to be the pall bearer that fatefull day at Palam Airport. Still remember very vividly, how the chopper got delayed and the symbolic crowd which had been summonned to pay condolence, started to slowly wane off as the hours went by. Eventually the chopper landed around last light, and there were just a handful left. So much so for honouring our brave!! i had actually thought that day. Today 9yrs later, when i go through this site, the thought again crosses my mind. But for a maverick like Maj Udai, it would'nt have really mattered. Cause as they say the biggest adventure one can take is to live the life, one dreams. Kudos to a fighter, who was different from the 'Crowd'and lived life on his own terms. ABSOLUTE PRIDE. PERIOD.
    Posted .
    Name: Abhiram
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Khikhram Kashyap
    Location: chhatisgarh Janjgir Chama
    Message: Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Vimal
    Location: India
    Message: Jai hai hind Major Sir
    Posted .
    Name: Arun Shokeen
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Sir,You are my hero.
    Posted .
    Name: Shahneez
    Location: Lucknow
    Message: The nation is proud of you Major Udai,n Capt.R.Subramanian. Grand Salute.R.I.P.
    Posted .
    Name: Rohatash Kumar
    Location: India
    Message: Vaqt aane par dikha denge e aasma abhi se kya hamare dil m he. jai hind!!
    Posted .
    Name: Deepak Singh
    Location: Jaipur
    Message: u r a real hero.
    Posted .
    Name: Balumagendran.D
    Location: Vellore. Tamil Nadu
    Message: It’s an honor that we had you with us. We are still there to continue service to our country. My salute to our nation and to you. jaihind
    Posted .
    Name: Sep Khushal Ram
    Location: 237 BEG HQ LEH
    Message: Aap ka ethihas wa aapaki bahaduri hamesha bhartixa sena ko yad rahega .'sulutata sir jai hind jai bhart; sep khushal Ram from uttarakhand 'bageshwar'.
    Posted .
    Name: Pankaj Oraon
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: Salute to the brave officer who sacrificed his life for us, your country . We will never forget u because it is due to you that we live freely in our home where u were guarding the borders.
    Posted .
    Name: Janakiraman
    Location: Agaram Sioor, TN, India.
    Message: Dear Sir, Your job is pure & divine. We don't want to lose our jawans anytime. We'll take all necessary action, upto that action hope. We need your support.Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Davison
    Location: Kerala
    Message: I will continue where u r stopped....jai hind saab.
    Posted .
    Name: Mayank Awasthi
    Location: Jaipur. Rajasthan
    Message: Hats off sir..!!! you are the role modal of rising youth of India.
    Posted .
    Name: Amar Jadhav
    Location: Pune
    Message: Few get opportunities to serve the nation. Great parents to give birth for such a son,May god bless his family.
    Posted .
    Name: Aditi Sirothia
    Location: India
    Message: Army day celebrations on 15th jan 2012 made us miss u all the is more than often that u play in r minds and wrench our hearts with...'oh, how we wish,u were with us,udai'After all we all r normal humans missing our friend.
    Posted .
    Name: Sam Bahadur
    Location: New York. USA
    Message: Great job. God bless your parents. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Govind
    Location: Rajasthan
    Message: Salutations to Veer Jambaaj.
    Posted .
    Name: Nitin Pratap Singh
    Location: Bareilly U.P
    Message: Its an honour to me that I salute the martyrs who sacrifice their lives and to those as well who are ready MY SALUTE.
    Posted .
    Name: Pankaj singh
    Location: Bareilly U.P
    Message: Bow heads with respect.Great man who will keep motivating youth in the coming era.
    Posted .
    Name: Cdr. Ranjit B Singh
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I salute you dear comrade. You make us and the whole nation Proud. Your sacrifice is glorified in the balidan pages of Sadev Amar Raho
    Posted .
    Name: T.P.S Bhullar (Assistant Commandant C.R.P.F)
    Location: Jammu & Kashmir
    Message: Salute to the parents and the brave heart of India who sacrificed his life for such a noble cause. Best wishes to parents and S.F. fraternity.
    Posted .
    Name: Amitabh
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Proud to add my message here..even good to see a site dedicated to him...i guess it's very small to what they have done to save us.
    Posted .
    Name: Rajeev Singh
    Location: Noida
    Message: Major Udai Singh was a Hero a Brave heart and a Patriot who always belived in the philosphy- If you win, you need not have to explain. If you lose, you should not be there to explain. Salute to the martyr. jai hind
    Posted .
    Name: S.P.Singh
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Dear Mrs.Sudha Singh and Colonel KKK Singh (Rtd) , From the Obituary appeared in TOI , this week , I was reminded of an article sometimes back in TOI when the news paper had compared the similar brave demise of two Udai Singhs . Now I have browsed the web site of your martyr brave son Major Udai Singh and I have felt very proud and humble to know the details how Major Udai had fought with the enemy and in the best tradition of our brave land . Your son was dabang surma and nation ows him a lot . I am also proud father of Major H.P.Singh who is in Signals . My best regards to both of you and all other family members of Major Udai Singh .
    Posted .
    Name: Harvindra Singh
    Location: Noida
    Message: Maj Udai Singh, Country will never forget you and you will be remain ideal for young generation... Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Ajay kumar
    Location: Noida
    Message: I am really proud the man. and i respect army person. my father is also army man.
    Posted .
    Name: Capt Kedar
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: Dear Udai , Today is the day when you left us for a place which is not easily available... ''shahidon main khada hona aasan nahi hota jinhe ishq hadidi hota hain wahi gardan katate hain''. Yours, one more paratrooper kid.
    Posted .
    Name: Captain Vishal Raizada
    Location: Dehradun
    Message: Sir, hats off to your bravery you were one in millions, a Tiger who didn't give up till his last breath, Sir, I promise to myself that you will never be forgotten
    Posted .
    Name: Prashant Kr Gupta
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Hi, I pride the fact that you were the few cherished one's who inspired others to follow your footsteps and lead by setting an example....Personally I could not believe that you are not physically there but when I reminisce the fond memories through a trip down the memory lane, it feels nostalgic especially the good and tough times shared during the college. Your carefree attitude and pleasant demenour would be rejoiced forever and from the deep of my heart 'we miss you' and we pray GOD to have millions of Uday's like you to make the country proud.
    Posted .
    Name: Ex Cdr SG
    Location: On Earth
    Message: Yet another date to paste expressing that we still remember u as always..for the good times, the bad times & the worst of the times ..(it cud have been worse-r, thank God it wasn't raining..remember ??!!)
    Posted .
    Name: Rajesh Sapra
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: We are alive just because of u.apne liye to har koi jita hai, jina use kehte hai jo dusro ke le jiye. JAI HIND.
    Posted .
    Name: Jay Bhattacharjee
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I would like to tell the parents of the magnificent young warrior, Major Udai Singh, that the entire country shares your loss and sorrow. On this anniversary of his martyrdom, please accept my heartfelt condolences. You have bequeathed your son to the nation - the motherland can only bow its head in respect to you. 29 November 2011.
    Posted .
    Name: Anup Soni
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I met Uday during his brief stint at the Taj Mansingh as a Fellow Graduate Management Trainee. He made a huge impression on me and we hit it off instantly. A Happy Go Lucky attitude to life and no worries!! The Army was his true calling and he often talked to me about it. Whatever time it lasted that hotel stint was great and we enjoyed our beers together. Was pretty devastated when I learnt about his sacrifice,now many years later and I felt a connection with him even though I had known him for a short time, such was his character and personality. Very Proud!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Manmeet Dhaliwal
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: I read about Udai's tribute in the TOI today. I was his classmate and dance partner ( the posted pic) when we were together in APS Dagshai . Did not know at that time I was interacting with such a brave man. I feel very honored today. Salute him and the family , must be very proud.
    Posted .
    Name: Prashant
    Location: Mhow
    Message: Shall join you soon sir, R.I.P.
    Posted .
    Name: Maj.Sreejith Kumar
    Location: N.S.G Delhi
    Message: I'm proud of u,Proud of soldiers and my Nation.
    Posted .
    Name: Sunny
    Location: Himachal Pradesh
    Message: No words for u Sir.. u r D best.
    Posted .
    Name: sep/clk ashwini pandey
    Location: Kolkata
    Message: First of all I'm saluting u sir...for ur great adventurous life. U will always be a most inspirational source for me.
    Posted .
    Name: Unknown
    Message: Prost to Your dimples to charm the girls to daaru time to your leather jacket to your enfield bike to your Squash to your...list is endless but you were one charmer and I am sure the girls around you must still be happy?Prost to old times!
    Posted .
    Name: Slt Rohit Shekhar
    Location: Indian Navy
    Message: Salute to u sir...u will alwaz be a source of inspiration for us to die for our motherland. Jai hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Varun
    Location: Himachal Pradesh
    Message: Major Udai please accept the salute of the civilian from the deepest part of heart. Some people like me think very much but do nothing for the country. Give me one chance and let me follow your path to serve the country. You make me feel proud with everyone to be called an Indian. Wishing you and myself in advance for sharing the same date of B'day. Luv you brother. JAI HIND
    Posted .
    Name: Prem Singh Rathore
    Location: Jaipur
    Message: I can only be proud proud proud proud of u major udai singh saheb.
    Posted .
    Name: Neetika
    Location: Bhopal
    Message: I salute your courage and pray for the peace of your soul. 'U r occupying too much space on Mother Earth if u r not living on the edge'. Mother Earth definitely cried the day you left her.
    Posted .
    Name: Mukesh Kumar Gudeswar
    Location: Jodhpur
    Message: Jai mata di, god bless you udai. You have done your parents, family and friends proud. you have brought honor to India. You are a son who will shine forever. You will be `udai' always close to my heart.
    Posted .
    Name: Himanshu Gautam
    Location: Delhi
    Message: Imbibe the best from udai, be strong, arise, fight till end and annahilate enemies within and outside. Strength is life, weakness is death.
    Posted .
    Name: Vivek Khanna
    Location: USA
    Message: Thank you Major Udai Singh for giving your tomorrow so that Indians could live in peace and dignity. I hope that the Country will rise to the heights of glory to thank you for this sacrifice. I wish I could be as brave as you. I salute your family for its values. Rest in peace sir!
    Posted .
    Name: Saumya
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: Missssssssssssssssss you udai da:(
    Posted .
    Name: Sumit Kumar Dash
    Location: Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
    Message: Dear Sir, You did your duty but while leaving for the heavenly abode, you have also inspired many like me. The soldier may die, but the spirit will never die. JAI HIND
    Posted .
    Name: Ajay Pal
    Location: Basti village-Bankati
    Message: Jai Hind Major Udai Singh. Desh ki raksha rana hamara param kartebey hai ' mai ajay pal singh indian army me nahi hoo 'mai yek private limited company me account me kaam karata hu 'meri bahut tammana hai desh seva ki lekin kaya karu 'mai accountant hu lekin mera man desh sheva me lagta 'jab mai picture dekhata hu to me sharir me aag jaisa lag jata mai phauji picture jaise ' B.S.F,INDIA ARMY ,yaise picture dekhata hu es janam me nahi to agle janam me to jaru jarur mauka milega .abhi bhi taiyari chal rahi mejar 'mai jab 10th pass hua to desh seva ki taiyari kar raha tha mai 10th 2004 me pass kiya tha lekin aaj 2011 chal raha hai mai ke sanghars sheel hu mejar mai yek desh premi hu 'jai hind'major udai singh jai hind hind ki sena'bharat mata ki jai
    Posted .
    Name: Dalpat Singh Indroka
    Location: Jodhpur
    Message: My Dear Udai, jai shree mata ji ki. The brave never die.
    Posted .
    Name: Ansh
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: By reading the story of Maj. Udai Singh. I Am very inspired from him. I also want to join Indian army special forced. He is great man. Really great.
    Posted .
    Name: Alwin
    Location: Aurangabad
    Message: I do not know why,but when i read about Maj.Udai Singh..I thought our lives are pretty similar my dad too a Col.(retd.)i am too willing to join the Special Forces one day..and would be an honour to lay my life for the motherland like he did! this man's my hero! he's my inspiration!
    Posted .
    Name: Nikhil
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: Thank You!!!Thank You!!! This is the only word that can show what you have shared with us & make us remember Sir & his great legacy with the PARA!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Mayank
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I thank u Lalima for creating such a wonderful website of ur brave brother.... Without this we could have never come to know about the sacrifice Maj Uday has done for this words to express my respect for both of u.
    Posted .
    Name: Darshan Patel
    Location: Mehsana (Gujarat)
    Message: When I see such a hero my grammar knowledge of language feel weak to describe something about heroes of our nation.....but their deeds themselves describes all the scenario. I proud to have such a grate fighter in my nation's forces.Jay Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Muneer n y
    Location: Kerala
    Message: Sir our mother land is very lucky to get you has her son. Sir, I hope I'll get a chance like you (insha allah) Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Virat
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: I think you guys give enough reason to join the army.
    Posted .
    Name: Philip
    Location: Kerela
    Message: I have no words to convey how grateful I am for your service. May your soul rest in peace. Victory to our motherland!
    Posted .
    Name: Sachin Malhotra
    Location: Jalandhar
    Message: Hats off to you sir. Whatever you did its a inspiration for us.
    Posted .
    Name: Amit
    Location: Pune
    Message: Your bravery will be warmly remembered by the grateful nation.
    Posted .
    Name: Sindhuja
    Location: Chennai
    Message: As an aspirant, Maj.Udai and Maj.Subbu anna are going to be my inspirations. It was heart touching to read about them. I SALUTE !!!
    Posted .
    Name: Nrapendra singh
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Salute gave your today for our future.
    Posted .
    Name: Vineeth Gummadi
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: I have a passion of joining the defense Defense forces. But due to lack of height I was disappointed. The Nation salutes Major Udai Singh.
    Posted .
    Name: Amar Naik
    Location: Gujarat
    Message: I always had a dream of joining the defence.But could'nt join it. But i have great respect for the defence and defence personnels. Hats off to Major Udai Singh and to its family.
    Posted .
    Name: Rajat Kapoor
    Location: Zirakpur. Punjab
    Message: I have never felt so honored of being a brother of an army officer (Capt.Abhishek Sharma, after I felt about knowing the great act of a warrior & a gentleman like Maj. Udai Singh. He is immortal & I pray to God that may every Indian mother give birth to a son like him. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Aditya Raju
    Location: USA
    Message: A True Son of India. 'Kulam Pavitram Janani Krutartaha' - Such as son sanctifies his whole family, and his mother is blessed for giving birth to such a Son. May God bless this hero's family. Vande Mataram.
    Posted .
    Name: Seepalakottai S.NARENDRAN
    Location: Madurai, Tamil Nadu
    Message: Sir, I am to pay my sincere and heart felt respect to the immortal Uday Singh sab whose sportive ambition and courage in each and every deal as well as his dedicated nature to save his fellowmen as well as to defend our nation is a shining guidance, foot-prints to the youngsters like me to be with patriotism,first serve for the nation next for self.Almighty God may bestow good health to his family members.
    Posted .
    Name: Dhruv
    Location: Jalandhar
    Message: From the core of my heart I salute you Major Udai and your supreme sacrifice. All i have to say for you and your Race of soldiers is: They went with songs to the battle, they were young. Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them, Lest we forget, lest we forget. Jai Hind...
    Posted .
    Name: Ravi Dabla
    Location: Sonipat. Haryana
    Message: We don’t have much to say in front of you. Whatever you do for country from this we just take inspiration. And thanks for the inspiration and a big salute to your sacrifices.
    Posted .
    Name: Cdt. Sagar Mahajan
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Firstly Jai Hind !! I really salute a person who served the country ! Hats off.
    Posted .
    Name: Lt. Avadhesh Malik
    Location: Udhampur
    Message: ...The tale is inspirational, the deeds are beyond heroic...the Nation, and all of us have lost a great soldier in you.
    Posted .
    Name: Veerni
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: You will be forever in my mind.......major Udai
    Posted .
    Name: George Thomas
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: Major Singh, You inspire boys like me every single day and give us the courage to defend our nation..if it were not for you, many of the young officers would have not joined the army to sacrifice their lives for this great have done the whole country proud a part frm your will always be remembered and your legacy never be forgotten. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Navneet Sud
    Location: Delhi
    Message: Very proud of Sir and wish I could follow him.
    Posted .
    Name: Ranjeet Barpete
    Location: Bhopal
    Message: I am proud of udai sir, I want join indian army special forces.
    Posted .
    Name: Saj Mohan BM
    Location: Cochin. Kerala
    Message: Proud to be an Indian Sir. Your life is an inspiration for all those who aim for the special forces. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Parijat Gaur
    Location: Pune
    Message: People like Major Udai Singh are a source of great inspiration and pride for us. Reading about him has inspired me appear for SSB and if I am given the honor, volunteer for PARA SF.
    Posted .
    Name: Pushpa
    Location: Chennai
    Message: Felt jus proud to know abt another brothers...martyrs...I can feel and understand as belong to the same family as we miss our brother Lt. Parthiban KC (P), my highest rgds to uncle and aunty and sis. tk cr...will be in touch soon.
    Posted .
    Name: Priyanka Sharma
    Location: Toronto, Canada
    Message: Reading about all these great and fearless men, I have decided to send my son in Indian Army. I salute you Sir!!
    Posted .
    Name: Chetan
    Location: Maharashtra
    Message: Thanks for introducing the hero.
    Posted .
    Name: Gaurav
    Location: China
    Message: Udai was my senior in school and i feel very proud of the fact that i have been with such a great human ,i salute the Great warrior!
    Posted .
    Name: M. Santhi
    Location: Tamil Nadu
    Message: Respect...Salute.
    Posted .
    Name: Ankur
    Location: London, U.K
    Message: Jai Hind. Long live Maj Udai Singh. I am proud of Maj Udai Singh. Although I am in London, But I will be joining India Territorial Army soon. We salute to you. Jai Hind. Vande Matram.
    Posted .
    Name: Vrushank Banerjee
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Sacrifice of all our brothers will never be forgotten..... i wish to join Indian Army but if not possible I'll serve our nation staying outside the army... Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Divya Rana
    Location: Jabalpur
    Message: 'SHEEDO KI CHITAO MAI LAGENGE HAR BARAS MELE WATAN PE MITNE WALO YEHI BAKI NISHAN HOGA' I saw this web address on remembrance (Times of India) I'm preparing myself to join the Indian army & inspired by the LEGEND MAJ UDAI SINGH,SM,SC
    Posted .
    Name: GC Ankit Sirohi
    Location: IMA Dehradun
    Message: You are the reason which led me to the place where I am today. I salute you for that and your parents for making such a supreme sacrifice. ex-APS Dagshai 07.
    Posted .
    Name: Deepak Dahiya
    Location: Haryana
    Message: Salute to Major Udai Singh!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjeet Bajwa
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Proud to have a senior like you. Always remembered you as a great sportsman and now a great inspiration. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Nishant Sharma
    Location: Patiala
    Message: Hi Sir. Miss u very much. Hope I also do little bit work for my country. I'm going to join the army .
    Posted .
    Name: Ruma
    Location: Sydney
    Message: Uday was my senior in APS. I remember him always smiling, always active, popular with teachers and all of us. RIP Udai, you do us all proud.....Our Army risks too many young lives on the front line...just seems unfair. Our young brave-hearts need an opportunity to live not always an opportunity to sacrifice their lives....they lay down their lives without a second thought! God Bless! You will live in our thoughts, memories and prayers.
    Posted .
    Name: Pushpeen Kaur
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Proud of heroes like you.I just pray to god to give your family strength n they are so proud to have a son like him. JAI HIND.
    Posted .
    Name: Chirag Patel
    Location: Gujrat
    Message: I Salute the real heroes of INDIA. He will always occupy a special place in our heart. JAY HIND.
    Posted .
    Name: Rakesh Pokhriyal
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: My heart always goes for our young and bright boys in uniform. I also lost one of my dearest freind 18 years ago... May god give them peace in heaven. Always with them.
    Posted .
    Name: Dharmender Parmar
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Uday! The guys we always looked up too, doing our stay at Dagshai. He was someone who always inspired you, made you do the impossible and showed us the meaning of living life. You made us all proud Udai! Can still remember the times together... Cheers Bro!!
    Posted .
    Name: Sunil Wali
    Location: Delhi
    Message: These sons of the soil can never be forgotten and they live in every Indian Hearts.
    Posted .
    Name: Lt . A .P. Singh
    Location: Kanpur
    Message: The real hero!!! Hats off to the parents who gave this legend to the country. I salute to you sir and ma’am. Indian army will never forget this legendry commando. and the new generation like me will get with his supreme sacrifice and inspiration.
    Posted .
    Name: Ramesh
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Very Inspiring. I salute the parents of such a brave son. We shall not forget him and he shall live in our memories for ever.
    Posted .
    Name: Praveen
    Location: Kerala
    Message: Great men like you are giving your today for our tomorrow... Please, our fellow country men should understand this,so that you can live safely in your so called society... Heart salute with respect to Maj.Udai and Capt.Vishwa.
    Posted .
    Name: Aparmita
    Location: London
    Message: Speechless...after reading the account of your life and your gallantry.
    Posted .
    Name: Riya Gawade
    Location: Thane
    Message: A Big Salute to Major Udai Singh. A Big Salute to Captain R. Subramanian. When I was searchin for Captain's name on the web i can across the page mentioning the best friend of him..and then the website of him. It is very much needed that websites of all heroes should be made available as a collection. I would suggest to the creaters of this website to send mail to will add the link of this website in their martyrs section. Recently we have launched a website on Captain Vinayak Gore and I have sent the same info to the same site. I feel strongly that face of each and every 'lal' of this motherland should be known to the citzens of India for whom they gave up this beautiful life.
    Posted .
    Name: Shruti Malhotra
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: Though Udai was a year junior to me in school,but unfortunately I never got to know him too well and closely.My bad luck,I'd say! It is because of Udai and other brave soldiers like him that all of us are able to live with out fear.I salute you,Udai,and our alma mater is vey very proud of you. Jaihind.
    Posted .
    Name: Rajeev Rathi
    Location: Noida
    Message: 'Shaheedon ki Chitaon par lagenge har baras mele' 'Watan par mitne walon ka yehi aakhri nishaan hoga' Rest In Peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Maj Vipul Agrawal
    Location: India
    Message: May god bless you!
    Posted .
    Name: Navjot Rajpal
    Location: Bhubaneshwar
    Message: Udai was a year senior to me at APS Dagshai. Although we were not in the same house, we were good friends and always in Mr. Thakur's trekking group, going to hemkundsahib, manali & rohtang. Udai was the centre of attraction with his great sense of humor and perfect timing, spoke really well. Before leaving school he told me one thing as we bumped into each other at the cdh; “oye surdee, u have a year to go. Just live it to the max”. I don’t know whether I lived that one year to the max or not, but Udai Singh, my dear friend, senior and trekking partner, u surely have done us all proud; the whole of APS Dagshai. U surely lives up to the school motto 'dedication to the nation'. For me u are the maximum hero.
    Posted .
    Name: Rimi Das
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I came across this page through some common friends in Facebook...It is stars like Udai which keeps this country going and we should never forget their sacrifice God Bless is soul.
    Posted .
    Name: Vikas Bangia
    Location: New Zealand
    Message: We are Proud of Major Udai Singh He achieved what a lot of us only dream.
    Posted .
    Name: Capt. Sandeep Singh Sandhu
    Location: Patiala. Punjab
    Message: Respected parents of the brave son, We are very proud of Maj. Udai lines for the brave Maj: A soldier lives by chance, loves by choice and kills by profession. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Geetanajli Narula Dhawan
    Location: Calgary,Canada
    Message: I came to know about udai from my dad Lt. Col Subhash Narula. May god rest his soul in peace.
    Posted .
    Name: S S
    Location: India
    Message: Bhagwa, Safaid , Hara.. yahi Jewan chakre Mera. May God bless you.
    Posted .
    Name: Amit
    Location: India
    Message: Really proud of u Major Udai Singh.
    Posted .
    Name: Mukesh Yadav
    Location: Taraon. Ghazipur. U.P
    Message: Salute. I feel proud of Major Udai Singh .I give thanks to the creator of this web page. I have no words for Major Udai .
    Posted .
    Name: Darshansinh. N. Jhala
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Salute. I am heartly moved by the contribution of Major.UdaiSinghji. I would like to thank you the creator of this web page-especially to find our dear friend Capt.R.Subramanian - buddies of Uddu-Subbu fame. Both have contributed for our country. Words are endless for their priceless contribution, that they have done. Thank you guys for all your efforts. Vande Mataram.
    Posted .
    Name: Shweta
    Location: Seattle
    Message: This is very first time I got a chance to visit this great site and now I don't have that courage to write anything here for such a 'Mahan Shaheed' and his family. I feel every single word is so small for those who dedicates their life and kids for the nation's safety....I salute them from the bottom of my heart.
    Posted .
    Name: Rahul Bamaniya
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: We are soliders; we have only one Motto in life: We Live for nothing but we Die for Something which we love the most; our Motherland.
    Posted .
    Name: Rahul Joshi
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Respect....salute.
    Posted .
    Name: Rajesh
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Well I had got this poem from my cousin who is in the Army but I realisd how true it is when I came to know about Udai. This ashes to ashes, dust to dust, If life doesn't get me, death must! "If I die in d war zone, pack my body and send me home! Pin d medals on my chest, tell my mother I did my best! Tell those pretty girls not to cry, coz I am a soldier, born to die. But don’t u worry. To survive in battle is my will, coz this damn soldier is born to kill!"
    Posted .
    Name: Flt.Cdt.John Hyde
    Location: Chennai
    Message: Go forward without fear. Remember the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability. A toast to the parents of the hero who fought for our mother land. When I went through the site, tears falling down from the always live in our hearts. Gob Bless India.
    Posted .
    Name: Rohit Walia
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I visited this site today; and felt really proud to be an Indian after getting to know in detail about Major Udai's life; his courage and above all love for his country. His sacrifice is an inspiration for every Indian like myself. Salute to this hero and his family. The whole nation remains indebted to you all forever.
    Posted .
    Name: Vineet Singh
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: Going for SSB...hope I get thru...u r the 'great scorer' by the way !!! n its Allahabad, my birthplace n yrs too.
    Posted .
    Name: Pallavi
    Location: San Francisco
    Message: I did not know Uday. But tears roll down my eyes as I write this. You must be the proudest parents on all of the earth to have raised such a noble child. May god grant you the peace of mind you so deserve and the courage to continue your charitable work.
    Posted .
    Name: Puneet
    Location: Belgaum
    Message: Sacrifice of this brave son of India will not go in vain. India will be defended till the last drop of blood.. we will never forget these great sacrifices. Janani janam karini bharatam. jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Arjun
    Location: Chennai
    Message: Came upon this website by chance and I must say that I have no words to express what I feel. Long live Major Udai Singh! The whole nation salutes you.
    Posted .
    Name: Capt. Sachin Sharma
    Location: India
    Message: Long live Maj Udai Singh SC,SM. May he rest in peace, with his dear friend Subbu in heaven...a great son of India. Proud of u, Sir.
    Posted .
    Name: S Kumar
    Location: US
    Message: To the parents of Maj Udai - Thank You.
    Posted .
    Name: Ravi Kumar
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I many a times wonder , how this great country of ours moves on, when it has so many problems. The answer is that ' WE HAVE BRAVE AND DEDICATED SONS LIKE MAJOR UDAI' . A true son of this sacred land of ours, who is saluted.
    Posted .
    Name: Manish Bhatnagar
    Location: Lucknow
    Message: No words can match the bravery of Maj.Udai. We shall not let his sacrifice go in waste.I salute his mother for giving birth to this brave boy. My salute to his brave & proud parents. Because of patriots like Maj. Udai,we are proud to be Indians.
    Posted .
    Name: Khurana
    Location: USA
    Message: Peace be with parents and with the departed souls. May God give the parents to bear this monumental loss.
    Posted .
    Name: Manoj K Srivastava
    Location: Gorakhpur
    Message: Udai has showed the real mettle of Gorakhpur.
    Posted .
    Name: Kirti Wankhede Rapeti
    Location: Kharghar
    Message: Dear Sir and Madam, I salute both of you too. It's a pride and honor for India to have such daring people that they dedicate their life FOR US. May God always keep him in peace. JAI HIND!!
    Posted .
    Name: Nitin Bist
    Location: Noida
    Message: Hi. I am very proud of being an Indian. Major Udai Singh will be in our hearts for ever. I salute him and his parents for giving India a legend like him....You have sparked our life. Vande Mataram.
    Posted .
    Name: Sandeep Tada
    Location: Hansraj College. Delhi Univesity
    Message: I am greatly inspired by the life of such a great legend. I salute him. We get life only for once so its great to serve it for country and humanity. That I also want.
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjay Varma
    Location: Raipur
    Message: It is because of the BRAVEHEARTS that India sleeps peacefully. We salute them.
    Posted .
    Name: Shilpi Mahajan
    Location: New Jersey
    Message: Major Udai Singh, I salute you and your bravery. I wish I am able to do half of what you did for the nation!
    Posted .
    Name: Sandeep Bhat
    Location: Powai; Mumbai
    Message: Major Udai Singh....I salute the life you lived and I salute the way you sacrificed it in Bharat Mata's service. We are living safely all because of brave men like you. God bless you soul and your parents and near and dear ones'.
    Posted .
    Name: SK
    Message: Proud of you Udai. Guys like you keep my country safe.
    Posted .
    Name: Uday Singh Adda
    Location: Hans Raj College, New Delhi
    Message: I am greatly inspired by an great patroitic army soldier who laid down life in the service of nation.
    Posted .
    Name: Chandrabhan
    Location: Chicago, IL
    Message: Dear Sir and Ma'am, No words of condolence can bring your son back but the citizens of this grateful nation will always remain indebted for the supreme sacrifice your son has made in the services of this nation. Rest in peace brave son of mother india.
    Posted .
    Name: Nikhil
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Colonel Sir and Ma'am Forever indebted to parents like you who have sons and daughters guarding the nation. This is a great endeavor and I'm sure Udai is as proud of his parents as his parents are of him. Regards.
    Posted .
    Name: Anant
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: Salute to a true Hero.. If our country today stands tall, it'h because of Heros' like him and the sacrifices they have made! Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Amol
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: God bless your soul, we owe our peace and security to you. thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
    Posted .
    Message: I sleep because people like you remain awake I get time with my family while you sacrificed your time with yours I work and earn because people like you provide the safe environment for it I have a country to be proud of because people like you defend it I am able to express myself because people like you protect my freedom I can talk 'Peace' because people like you are willing to fight for it. But my life, like the other millions of Indians, will NEVER be complete like yours and people like you in the AF. Forever indebted to you and the people of the Indian Armed Forces. THANK YOU!
    Posted .
    Name: Vidhu
    Location: Allahabad
    Message: Sir u were one of the very few privileged person who are able to join the coveted INDIAN ARMY.The nation will always remember ur supreme sacrifice.Hope that INDIAN ARMY get more officers like un nnot the corrupt ones as have erupted in d recent times.Despite all this the ARMY will always n forever earn the honour of the indebted nation. JAI HIND JAI JAWAN
    Posted .
    Name: I. Kailash Rao
    Location: Rourkela. Orissa
    Message: Hats off sir, its only due to your sacrifice we are living a much better life. a would like to pay tribute to your deep efforts. I am also willing to join Indian army soon.
    Posted .
    Name: Soni
    Location: Jabalpur
    Message: U r d best , what u did will definitely reflect u or come to u some how or 2 ur loved ones..nothing goes waste its just invisible but it exists.
    Posted .
    Name: Tejas
    Location: New Jersey, USA
    Message: Thanks
    Posted .
    Name: Brijesh Mishra
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: few words for the true son of mother inda as words are not enough shat shat naman .
    Posted .
    Name: Shtrujit
    Message: People like Major Uday Singh never die. They are always in our memory. May his soul rest peacefully in heaven. Hats off to his family.
    Posted .
    Name: Rajesh Sobti
    Location: Phagwara
    Message: Dear Uday...God Bless You. You are the real son of India.Most people are willing to settle abroad for a better life. But u chose to serve your homeland.
    Posted .
    Name: Kishor Rao
    Location: Pune
    Message: Dear Maj.Udai, God bless you, your Mother, Father and your teachers. This is what parents live for. Though you may not be present among us today your supreme contribution is too high to be jotted down in words. Any language is too low a medium to express my gratitude and respect for you. I am sure your Father and mother will walk tall and I bow to you and them in respect. You are a true son of an Army Officer. Mat God bless all Para SF in any regiment in this country.
    Posted .
    Name: Ajay Yerrapragada
    Location: Aurangabd IHM
    Message: You loved what you did u are the happiest and respected man. As what i perceive, i shall be one very soon.
    Posted .
    Name: S
    Location: Western Sector
    Message: Sir, Respects Jai Hind !!
    Posted .
    Name: Praveen Pandey
    Location: Kota
    Message: A salute to the bravery of Maj.Uday. People like him will always be a guiding light in an honest discharge of my duties for my motherland. JAI HIND!
    Posted .
    Name: RD
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: It is due to lion hearts like you who teach us to live life king size. Thought of martyr's like you sends a spine chilling sensation throughout the body. I know I have the courage and I don't know from where it comes. Words can't express what I feel.
    Posted .
    Name: Neeraj
    Location: Powai, Mumbai
    Message: Ek raasta hai zindgi jo tham gaye to kuch nahi................. Uday you have taught us this lesson.I admire your bravery!
    Posted .
    Name: Maj Navdeep
    Location: Ambala
    Message: Madam,he is a inspiration for young offrs like us and motivate us to do that little extra bit.
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjit
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: A true Maverick, lived by the Credo of 'What better way to dies, than fighting fearsome odds, for the ashes of our fathers and the temples of our gods'. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Harvinder Singh Bisht
    Location: Lucknow
    Message: Thanks to u..because of u we r living our life freely...n thanks to one mother(land)to another mother for giving her such a brave son. We salute we. Major Udai singh.
    Posted .
    Name: KDS
    Location: BBSR
    Message: I had heard of people like this exixted but i m dumb struck after his message on the paper napkin. with men like him our nation can rest assured. to them I thank his parents for such noble gift to my country. we are forever indebted. I salute them.
    Posted .
    Name: Veerni
    Location: New Delhi
    Posted .
    Name: Karan singh Chauhan
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Brave men are gods special one and have less time on earth to spent. Because need them too.
    Posted .
    Name: Prabhat Singh
    Location: Jamshedpur
    Message: Next Life-we will be together!
    Posted .
    Name: Mohammed Ramiz Ansari
    Location: Indore
    Message: We are very proud on you Uday.This is called the unmatched bravery.We salute you and your bravery.
    Posted .
    Name: Vineet Singh
    Location: Patiala
    Message: My world looks hollow wth wht i m doing,yr path seems purer and truer,but i think u r to good to be copied and its impossible to be as great as you..i wish yr family all the best,n if u r looking down at me,i say 'let me be you'...
    Posted .
    Name: Vipin Kumar
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I miss you a lot Udai. We have spent many yrs of life together from 8 to college. I have lost my best friend.
    Posted .
    Name: Col Rawel Singh
    Location: Agra
    Message: Udai, we are proud of you. . . I still remember you sitting on the back seat of your father's scooter in Agra(seated, facing the rear !!) . Then I saw you as a young officer in the most elite units of our Army. I ask God - WHY DID HE HAVE TO SNATCH YOU FROM US? But. . . His will . . . You continue to motivate young people and still live in our hearts. . .
    Posted .
    Name: Raghav
    Location: Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu
    Message: There is no word to express about him..Jai hind. If there is another birth, I would like to have him as my dad
    Posted .
    Name: Anaaditi
    Message: Will always love u udai,u r in r thots always,though u gave us a wound tat will never heal.
    Posted .
    Name: Vijay Singh Rajawat
    Location: Jabalpur
    Message: I have no words to describe my emotions, wish i could have done the same for my country. What an act of courage? May god bless their families ( uddu & subbu).
    Posted .
    Name: Capt Singh
    Location: India
    Message: I came to know about this site through times of India. I went through various emotions while going through his biography and photographs. how can be someone be so motivated and dedicated? They say what you think you become. Maj Udai did what he always thought of! leading his men in combat was his ultimate aim and he achieved it but made supreme sacrifice in the process. i wish for such officers in the Indian Army. My salute to the family who gave such a brave heart to the army. Sir , i don't know you personally but you will be my inspiration and I will follow your footsteps. God bless to all!
    Posted .
    Name: Ganesh S Rautela
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Really Proud of You Udai Singh... Jai Hind!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Unknown
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Udai.. you make our country proud.. I salute you & your family for making the greatest of sacrifices.. RIP !!
    Posted .
    Name: Abhishek Singh Shekhawat
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Soldiers who sacrifice for their nation never die. They are the ones who become the pride for the nation. They are immortal. I(we) salute you my friend. JAI HIND.
    Posted .
    Name: Capt Kunal Sharma
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Respected Sir and Maam, Please accept my Deep condolences on the date of the supreme sacrifice. With heartfelt regards, Yours sincerely, Capt Kunal Sharma.
    Posted .
    Name: Murali Ramaswamy
    Location: Muscat , Oman
    Message: I chanced on this page while surfing . What a great memorial to a valiant son of India . We are proud and blessed to have men like Udai protecting our country . I am from a service family myself , my father was in the Navy , and my brother is currently serving . Dear Col and Mrs. Singh , this website will keep your son's memory alive for all time to come.
    Posted .
    Name: Abraham Thomas
    Location: Jharkhand
    Message: May the almighty bless his soul.I was unfortunate not to meet Uddu sir,cos this incident happened the day we started our probation.I was lucky to lead the same team months later.every boy had words of praise for Uddu sir. Am proud to be in the Alfa Team. MAVERICK
    Posted .
    Name: Sandy
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I came across this page through Bharat Rakshak. We, the common Indian citizen are indebted to you and people in uniform like you . Because of people like you, we plan and live our day...Jai Hind.and may your soul rest in peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Ashok Ram Kumar
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: My message is late. I read about this First Knight's valour when I logged into the link from Bharat Rakshak. As tears trickle down all I can say is Men like him stand like monuments of bravery, courage under fire and above all the dedication and commitment. Udai you are now gods own angle. I salute Udai and also to that veer mata of Udai. We owe your family and to you.
    Posted .
    Name: Mandeep Kumar Devgan
    Location: Jalandhar
    Message: Men like Maj Uday Singh give us the support to fight against all odds and proud of being an Indian. Warriors never die, they live in the hearts of many. -deep love and respect to the family of the real Indian.
    Posted .
    Name: Major Sunder Bisht, SC
    Location: IHQ of MoD(Army) CIU, Delhi
    Message: You were a great course mate. I remember you last met me at Sarsawa, when I came for the jumps. You are and will remain an inspiration for me. Love you Uday.
    Posted .
    Name: Neeraj Bhatt
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: These men, who lay down their lives are not just soldiers, but great patriots. All of us can rest in peace 'coz of them.
    Posted .
    Name: Sandhya Singh Parmar
    Location: Bangladesh
    Message: Can we join the cause today and let the legacy live on....let their sacrifice not go unnoticed.I will to do whatever i can within my capacity to support the cause.....I PLEDGED TODAY....CAN YOU? Lets salute our brave soldiers ....JAI HIND!
    Posted .
    Name: Cedrick Fernandes
    Location: Kuwait
    Message: I am proud of my countryman who devout their life to keep us safe in India. may God bless them and always keep them safe wherever they do their duty.also may god give courage to their family to bear all the pain when they lost their loved one while doing their duty.
    Posted .
    Name: Utsav
    Location: Kolkata
    Message: I have no words for the brave heart who gave up their lives for the nation....and it has been correctly said ...the ones secured...will never understand what it really takes.....hats off to the heroes and all i can do in return as a common citizen of india is that i will join the armed forces....and will just try my best to do something which the greats like maj udai singh and his friend has done...jai hind.....and hats off to you guys.....just a THANK YOU...from my side to both the brave hearts for evrything that they have done..jai hind
    Posted .
    Name: Syam Sunder
    Location: Kerala
    Message: Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Abhay
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: The message scrawled on paper napkin by Maj. Udai says it all. There'll soon be a day when we will understand the ways in which brave hearts like Udai have set this country free. May God bless you.
    Posted .
    Name: Anant Sharma
    Location: USA
    Message: Uncle and Aunty, thank you for giving birth to a martyr.
    Posted .
    Name: Shashank Singh Dalal
    Location: Army Boys Hostel , Delhi Cantt
    Message: Maj. Uday has impacted my mind deeply. I for once was hesitant to join the army, even though my father is a 3rd generation officer and he is still serving. At times i wonder from where are officers brave as Maj. Uday come from. He has not died. But has gone to a place from where he can see everything. Today after accidently hooping on this site i realised that death is just a part of life and the brave too die but once. Maj. Uday has inspired me again to fulfill my destiny and dorn the olive green uniform again. He will forever be my idol and god willing if tomorrow i wear the uniform, i'll look up in the sky and salute him !!!
    Posted .
    Name: Seema and Prateek
    Location: Noida
    Message: Hey Uday, Cheers t you on your B'day. Cheers and kudos to the energy n enthusiasm that u've always lived ur life are an inspiration for all. we love you n u will be in our hearts forever n ever.. Seths
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjay Sanghvi
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Salute to hero Udai Singh
    Posted .
    Name: Mrugen Deshmuk
    Location: Pune
    Message: I salute the brave officer & gentleman for his supreme sacrifice. I would like to mimic his ideals and would like to learn and walk his path of glory. Jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Arvind Singhania
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: 'Sahido ki chitao per lagenge har baras mele watan per mar mitne waloo ka ye bas ek nishan hoga'.... We all salute our soldiers who have saved us by giving their lives, they are the biggest heroes.
    Posted .
    Name: Vikas
    Location: Dubai
    Message: Uday, we all salute u and ur bravery. You will remain alive in our hearts for ever. Jai Hind Vande mataram
    Posted .
    Name: Akshay
    Location: Nagpur
    Message: I am falling short of words to hail such a true son of motherland. These story needs to be circulated so that aim of our country youth can be motivated in right direction. Jai Hind , Jai Bharat and salute to u...
    Posted .
    Name: Sumit
    Location: Pune
    Message: First Of all i salute this brave guy....woh really lucky the...Saheed.Bhagat Singh ne kaha tha ki 'Kismat walo ko he hai milta desh ke khatir marne ka mauka' aur wo unmese ek hai. Actually I also want to fight for my India. I want to die for my country. I don't want to big salary job. I juz want to live and die for INDIA. Thank You. Jai Hind. Bharat Mata Ki Jai.
    Posted .
    Name: Srini
    Location: San Diego, US
    Message: May God rest Major Uday's soul in peace! May God grant peace and tranquility to his surviving family members!
    Posted .
    Name: Pradeepfirangi
    Location: Bangalore, Karnataka
    Message: All we can say is...these guys were just really great...words cant say for what they did... All we can do is make a better nation for which they gave there lives....i bow ..Salute all defense personals.
    Posted .
    Name: Harvan Kumar
    Location: Bareilly. U.P
    Message: I salute you and am proud of you.
    Posted .
    Name: Rohit Sharma
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Its only due to brave army men like you that we ordinary citizens of this country feel safe. God bless your soul. JAI HIND.
    Posted .
    Name: Pradeep
    Location: Trivandrum
    Message: I salute you brave warrior..U will live in our hearts forever. you will never be forgotten.
    Posted .
    Name: Deepak
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I am deeply moved by the courage and valor showed by the brave solider, am really happy to be Indian. Go on great guns Indian Army.. God Bless.
    Posted .
    Name: Sagar
    Location: New York
    Message: Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Pankaj Patwal
    Location: Noida
    Message: I salute the great son of our MotherLand....Hats off to Major Uday.
    Posted .
    Name: Fahad
    Location: Kerala
    Message: Hey yodha i salute u. Jai Hind. God bless u. We pray for u.
    Posted .
    Name: Aakash
    Location: Malviya Nagar, Delhi
    Message: I think we are very grateful for such leaders. I can see Bhagat Singh inside him and he is like God for us, who save our lives without knowing us. I don’t have words to express myself. But I want to say Inquilab Zindabad and a great salute to the courageous mother and father.
    Posted .
    Name: Anupam Rana
    Location: India
    Message: You have made this soldier live, by making this website, and Maj Uday kept the traditions high of para(sf)- balidaan.... god is proud of such persons.
    Posted .
    Name: Rahul
    Location: Pune
    Message: You looked like any other indian boy..full of life,good looking,enjoying life as it comes,adventurous.. yet u r so diferent from all of us thorugh ur actions as a true son of soil..i salute ur bravery,ur supreme sacrifice.may ur soul rest in peace n ur family get the courage from god almighty. Hope you are reborn and meet your dear ones...i don't know i truly wish..!!
    Posted .
    Name: Sonam Kapadia
    Location: Singapore
    Message: Salute to the brave soldier who made the supreme sacrifice defending the honour and welfare of India. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Tasneem Saif
    Location: Bhopal (M.P.)
    Message: Saluting Uday and all you members for incorporating such a beautiful and worthy trust... Uday's actions and deeds have brightened the lives of many a souls including me today...he'll always stay amongst us as our positive side.
    Posted .
    Name: Devendra singh
    Location: Udaipur
    Message: Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Shijin K Rajan
    Location: Kannur, Kerela
    Message: I will repeat Maj Uday.
    Posted .
    Name: Sunaina Nargis
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: Hey Uday Bhaiya, we all Daggers are proud of you. Your sacrifice will never be'll be there in our hearts forever...
    Posted .
    Name: Rahul Loomba
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Udai, a Maverick, Free Spirit, Free Thinker, Non Confirmist, and a Rebel at times. This is the Picture I form at the mere mention of the name. Then follows, Great Senior, Excellent Sportsman, total Dude, someone the entire school looked upto. Udai will forever be an inspiration, a sort of guiding light, a flame which will forever burn for us Dagshai guys. I am honoured to be from the same school, Dagshai, and hounoured at having met him time and again while he was in Arjun Vihar. I mourn your loss, which no words can fill. But Maam, you, Sir and Lali should be extremely proud of Udai. I pray for peace of his soul. As the world famous Painter Renoir said, The Pain passes, but the Beauty Remains.
    Posted .
    Name: Major Rishi Sharma(Retd)
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: 'Whats up,Lali'......wish I could be Uday......and could spoil your plans once again ...God Bless his Soul.
    Posted .
    Name: Priyanka
    Location: Delhi
    Message: Udai has not only made you proud Sir, he has made the entire nation proud. We salute his bravery.
    Posted .
    Name: Sumit Bhanot
    Location: Haryana
    Message: We proud on bravery of ur son jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Parambir Singh Salar
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: kadam kadam bharhaye ja khushi ke geet gaye ja yeh zindgi hai kaum ki tu kaum pe lutaye ja
    Posted .
    Name: Col P S Sangha, Vrc
    Location: Delhi
    Message: I knew this boy. He is the epitome of what a young military officer should be. Lead from the front and the men will follow. That was Udai!
    Posted .
    Name: Cejo Johnson
    Location: Kuwait
    Message: I sincerely salute this brave soldier for displaying outmost courage in serving our country.
    Posted .
    Name: Dr.Umang Bassan
    Location: Australia
    Message: So true are the words''It's a shame to be alive when men such brave lay dead.''Salute to our brave soldiers who laid down their lives for the honour of India.No words can praise the true sons of soil.They lived and died as true sons of India.Thanks to the mothers who raised them and dedicated them to India.They are immortal in our memories.
    Posted .
    Name: Somnath Kundu
    Location: Berhampore(W.B)
    Message: Hea vir javan lack lack salam tumko.
    Posted .
    Name: SK
    Location: Delhi
    Message: Irrespective of the fallacies of this nation, It thrives on...thanks to you bunch of guys!!! defending the nation. Heartfelt salutes to u sir.
    Posted .
    Name: Anjana Bhan
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: An amazing life . Such a dedicated , courageous and wonderful human being .My salute to the proud parents and little sis . I hope and pray that one day people and governments will realize how senseless war is and what a huge price such young men & women & their families pay along with 100's of innocents caught in the crossfire . . As a nation we are proud of their sacrifice but I wish it was not so . God Bless .
    Posted .
    Name: Col SC Narula
    Location: Indore
    Message: Dear KK, Came across this site. Although so late but i was excited to read Udai's life story,We really miss him. my daughter anjali who was his classmate in georges also joins me in this memory lane. Subhash
    Posted .
    Name: Cdt.Krushit Kumar
    Location: Junagadh,Gujarat
    Message: I am very proud to be indian due to the sacrifices of officers and men of the armed forces.
    Posted .
    Name: Sreekumar Nair
    Location: Kuwait
    Message: Rest in Peace my friend. So sorry that i came to know about you and your illustrious life only after 6 years. One day we will all meet. Thank you for what you have done for our country. God chose you for the job. May your life inspire others! Good bye till we meet.
    Posted .
    Name: Capt Bripendra
    Location: irrelevent
    Message: Take the bow, sir!
    Posted .
    Name: N.Swaminathan
    Location: Coimbatore-641034
    Message: I am very proud to be indian due to the sacrifices of officers and men of the armed forces. Every one dies..nature's unbreakable law but it is someone's untimely death at combat that is the ultimate sacrifice for ones country. I like to salute major udai singh for all he was.
    Posted .
    Name: GC Rohit Tiwari
    Location: IMA,Dehradun
    Message: Sacrifices like yours will never be forgotten...we hope to follow in your footsteps and do our nation and ourselves proud like you did..JAI HIND!!
    Posted .
    Name: Arun Chhikara
    Message: Soldiers like you never die. They are immortal. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Kislay Thakur
    Location: Amritsar
    Message: People come & go but Sher Dil Warriors Come 2 give the stand to tell the enemies beware of us.....
    Posted .
    Name: Meghan
    Location: Raipur Chhattisgarh
    Message: I will join IMA in July and u will be my role model. I will follow your steps and join the Para commandos and clear all the hurdles are my guiding light. Be with me sir and encourage me. I will not let you down.
    Posted .
    Name: Nayan
    Location: Delhi
    Message: No words can bring Him back but I a stranger for whom Shaheed Major Uday died can only salute him and express my gratitude towards soldiers like Him who gave their today for our tommorow. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Sandeep
    Location: Toronto
    Message: GOD SPEED,my brother.You did what I and many others like can never do.Hope,you found your peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Ashish Khare
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I wish I will do something as big as him in this life...
    Posted .
    Name: Annu
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: The weakest amongst us has a gift,however seemingly trivial,which is peculiar to him,and which worthily used will be a gift also to his race' You were certainly not the weakest, and what you did made us proud then and will always do so. It inspires so many of have in a peculiar way inspired me to be a much better human being and i hope that the tiger still roars!! Been thinking about you on this seemingly non inspired morning .. and the very thought of you revitalized me to do so much more and get so much more out of this ordinay day which now is probably special!! Love!
    Posted .
    Name: DVG Krishna
    Location: Bhopal
    Message: SALUTE to the hero. I, (we), will remember this hero. I wud like to emulate him. Ur a real inspiration..JAI HIND.
    Posted .
    Name: Mangal
    Location: Chennai
    Message: In my path there's nothing but sweat, blood, dirt n dust, pains n perils but my determination is of steel...U have proved it sir..u r the hero.
    Posted .
    Name: Navin Singh
    Location: Delhi
    Message: I heard d brutal story of his demise by his sister Bhumija Singh, it was so touching dat i cudnt stop writing right nw... just salute u my bro..u r d true son of mother India...every parent dreams of having such a brave son.
    Posted .
    Name: Kr. Naresh Singh Thakur
    Location: kathua(jammu &kashmir)
    Message: Salute to a great son of the soil who has made the Indian Army proud.
    Posted .
    Name: Ranjit
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: God bless you Udai! Your life has not gone waste. You will remain 'amar' through your memories and selfless sacrifice. May you find eternal peace wherever you are.. Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Gopal Singh
    Location: Jaipur
    Message: I sincerly salute to the brave officer of our great service,who fought valiently in protecting our motherland.You are the true procter and custodian of this great country. The nation as a whole will always remember the sacred and supreme sacrifice of Major Udai Singh.
    Posted .
    Name: Kunal
    Location: Baroda
    Message: After reading the biography and citations, I wish I had known you. God bless and rest in peace. My sincere condolences to the family he left behind. jai hind
    Posted .
    Name: Harpreet Singh
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: I stumbled upon this website while surfing salute & cherish heroes like Maj Uday & the great job the Para's are doing in Kashmir.I think this website is the biggest tribute to the memory of Maj Uday. Just wish other Indians too would know about it.
    Posted .
    Name: COL A K Sarkar[Retd]
    Location: Barasat,West Bengal
    Message: A brave soldier never dies.Maj Udai singh will remain in the hearts of the countrymen and inspire the youths to follow his path.
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjeev
    Message: I drew inspiration from you during my tenure with 'Mavericks'. You still inspire me.
    Posted .
    Name: Tanya
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Martyrs like Major Udai Singh do nearly everything perfectly all the time..including providing inspiration to the younger generations to do their bit for the motherland! All of us couldn't thank uncle,aunty and lali for giving our nation such a brave son! We can never forget that her gave his life for us!
    Posted .
    Name: Geetinder Singh
    Location: Los Angeles CA
    Message: Millions of us live and don't make a difference. One amongst millions live forever and change the world forever. Major Udai Singh - LIVES FOREVER!!
    Posted .
    Name: Lt Col Sanjay Bajpai
    Location: Bareilly now
    Message: I was 2IC 38 RR at the time of fateful ops & had known Uday & the 22SF team for quite some time. In fact Uday once had brought a captured Hand held of terrorists for repair to me and for quite some time we used that set to moniter terrorist movements in Gamir. Capt (now Maj)Mohit Sharma of 38 Sangiot company had conducted an ops with the team Uday inclusive, at Gai, the team having taken the route of Sangiot, Pritpal, Gai and got 3 successes. It is after this ops that the 22SF team decided to enter gai from Pitha Sahab side (Thannamandi) Of course it was out AOR but it seems they were acting on some specific info, with the result they went in alone. I am sure that the sacrifice of this brave soldier was the beginning of a crusade to clear Gamir. I wish there were more like him amongst us; dedicated, professional yet humble and congineal- a rere mix of qualities.
    Posted .
    Name: Pradeep Shekhawat
    Location: Delhi
    Message: I feel proud and lucky to have known udai .the last time i met him was in 1999 we watched a movie together, i cherish the time as udai bhaiya inspired and motivated me that day , the inspiration and motivation still caries on and will for rest of my life , he will live in our hearts forever ...
    Posted .
    Name: Pankaj
    Location: Meerut
    Message: Hats off to his bravery and thanks to him to attain martyrdom for the country. Now the only aim in my life is to join 1 para sf and spread his glory
    Posted .
    Message: Udai,today i have known about this website and visited to pay my rich tribute to u. may your soul rest in peace and may god shower his blessings on the bereaved family and arm them with strength to bear the loss.
    Posted .
    Name: Retd. Hony. Capt. Jaspal Singh
    Location: JSPL Raigarh (C.G.)
    Message: Respected Sir, In the everlasting memory of Major Udai Singh, SC,SM. I salute who achieved martyrdom on 29th Nov 2003 during an encounter with militants in district Swarnkot (J&K). I pray to Almighty God to rest the noble soul in peace and grant strength to the family to bear this loss with fortitude.
    Posted .
    Name: Atul K Singh & Family
    Location: Janak Puri, New Delhi
    Message: Proud of you Udai! May your soul rest in peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Anand Grover
    Message: Just chanced upon the 'Remembrance in the TOI today(29Nov'08).Rue i missed 5 yrs of inspiration.But then Udai ur deed is eternal and so should be the inspiration!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Neha
    Location: Ghaziabad
    Message: I salute Major Uday Singh. He is the real hero. I'm simply too moved to say anything. i just wish if i could ever meet him. may his soul rest peacefully in heaven. Hats off to his family....
    Posted .
    Name: Capt Pradeep
    Location: Dehradun
    Message: Braves never die i salute a martyr who has given his life for his motherland in times when everyone is busy in his own life and has no time to think for his country may ur soul rest in eternal peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Farah & Shashank
    Location: Vancouver
    Message: Remembering you Uday, your smile, your courage, and the happiness you brought to all of us. You will always stay in our thoughts.
    Posted .
    Name: Aditya Sharma
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Maj Udai Singh has given his life for every Indian.
    Posted .
    Name: Abhishek
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: May ur soul rest in peace dear! :(
    Posted .
    Name: Riitu
    Location: Delhi
    Message: You live forever...braveheart.
    Posted .
    Name: Manish Kashyap
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Simply too moved to say anything...but yes because of people like you we civies live peacefully.Hats off to you man...
    Posted .
    Name: Jaidev Jamwal
    Location: Jammu
    Message: Major Singh's legacy will live on for over. India is blessed to have soldiers like him.
    Posted .
    Message: I salute you Major Udai Singh. Your bravery will live on forever as an example to us all. Mortals like us will die and be forgotten, you my brother will live forever.
    Posted .
    Name: Pulikesi
    Location: USA
    Message: My salutes to whoever is maintaining this website. I attended the SSB 5 ties and could not make it through but am still cherishing the memories that i had with our army during my days in NCC, which inculcated in us the sense to live for your group. When i see people like Major Udai i feel proud to have been part the group of men he belongs to. My salutes to this great man. Jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Harish
    Location: Bharat
    Message: To who ever is maintaining this Website. Thank you for you service to our nation. It is more or less because of this website, that I am contemplating joining the army. My hats off to Major Udai Singh and his family. May god always be with you. Bharath matha ki jay.
    Posted .
    Name: Unknown
    Location: Unknown
    Message: Your legacy lives on...
    Posted .
    Name: Capt Sumeet Singh
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: I have been from the same school as yours sir...and am gonna join the special forces soon...with u as the idol, am gonna put in my best to clear probation. It's upon guys like u that the army rests. Am proud to b ur school type and aatel house type but only regret is that i never met u. Bravo sir.
    Posted .
    Name: Unknown
    Location: Unknown
    Message: Tommorow i will be hanging my uniform after completion of 5 years....i had wonderful time in this organisation...with idols like Maj Udai Singh it was a journey i would like to undertake over and over again...without a sense of regret...thank u Maj Udai u made me nostalgic,emotional and reminded me of the simple pleasures for which i had joined this wonderful organisation.
    Posted .
    Name: Murli Mohan Calpakam
    Location: Melbourne
    Message: My silent Salute & tribute to both Udai & Subbu the late brave Majors who laid their lives for their country, the utmost & extreme sacrifice that one could do and this is the least that I could do coming from a defence background. Though I am overseas my heart is in India and I unashamedly shed tears and was immensely moved whilst reading the comments which I chanced to come across. These came from all the four corners of the world. This goes to show how powerful the character that Late Maj. Udai Singh had portrayed but it still lives on through his spirit which still speaks volumes. May his indomitable spirit be always a guide and a beacon of light to all Indians in future to come irrespective of being a soldier. May his soul rest in peace and my heartfelt condolences to his parents and to all the members of his family. JAI HIND-AMAR RAHO
    Posted .
    Name: Nikhil
    Location: US
    Message: I am shaken, stirred and simply in awe of this brave soldier and good man. I followed SF news throughout my childhood and always wanted to be in Army SF but it didnt turn out that way. In my personal capacity, I will donate to trusts like yours. If you can make the Trust website seperate then it would attract more attention and please try spreading this message in the media because its only due to some internet forums that I could have a look here. would be a good place. God bless Udai and peace to his family. A Proud Indian.
    Posted .
    Name: Ashok Yadav
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I am proud to be a friend of Uday. After so many years I finally thought I have the courage to write something here. We the batch of 1992, APS, Dagshai salute you for making the country proud of you. You will be always remembered by 1992 batch of APS Dagshai. Once again we salute you. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Raj
    Location: UAE
    Message: I salute this brave souls of Uddu & Subbu, it is because of people like them that we are safe inside our house, they are great to lay down their life smiling, three cheers for this brave soilders, long live the tradition of bravery in the Indian Army,Indian Army Zindabad.
    Posted .
    Name: Harish Govind
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: I came across this site accidentally...but so glad I did! I know I have come here very, very late to post this tribute-but it is never too late to honour a brave soldier. I am from an armed forces family with my father and brothers having served the army and the navy for long...and hence can understand the pride and at the same time the anguish of Udai's parents even after so many years. I salute Udai for his brave deeds and wherever he is - wish him peace and eternal happiness. Through this message would also like to wish his buddy Subbu's parents also the very best and Subbu - wherever he is peace and eternal happiness.Through their deeds and actions we live a peaceful life. May God bless them both !
    Posted .
    Name: Maj Gen VK Singh
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: What can one say, or write? Uday was one of the best. He died young, but lives on, honored and loved by all those who knew him. I have attended many funerals, chautha and Terhavi ceremonies. Most of them made me sad, but this was an exception. I felt proud. My heart was filled with pain for KKK and his family, but my chest swelled at the thought of this brave son of India. I felt proud to have been part of the same outfit - the Indian Army - to which Uday belonged. I could empathize with KKK - he must be feeling what Arjun felt when Abhimanyu was killed in battle. (My son's name is Abhimanyu). I was reminded of another famous soldier, also a paratrooper, who had died in the same area fifty years ago. His famous Order of the Day before the the battle of Jhangar is now a part of the Indian Army's folklore. It applies to Uday as much as it did to his compatriots then; "To every man upon this Earth, Death cometh soon or late, And how can man die better, Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods?"
    Posted .
    Name: Surg Lt Cdr CK Rednam, ex-IN
    Location: India
    Message: This website is a moving tribute to a brave man. I salute his spirit.
    Posted .
    Name: Col Karaminder Singh (Retd)
    Location: Patiala
    Message: I am moved by the dedication of this young Para officer. Our hats off to his indomitable courage and sacrifice.Uday you will live forever.
    Posted .
    Name: Col Vinay Khanna, SM ( Signals)
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: This is one of the best sites that I have come across on the internet-completely dedicated to memories of a young officer, Udai, who sacrificed his life in 'just doing' his bit for his paltan, Army, Country. Indeed great of Col KKK Singh to have got it recorded so well- it is authentic, moving and very very inspiring. God bless his soul.
    Posted .
    Name: M.Sriram
    Location: Hyderabad
    Message: Being ex servicemen myself, I feel very proud for the sacrifice which you have done to the . We, the soldiers, will always remember the selfless courage which you have shown. The people who are corrupt should know that these are the people who make a difference to our nation. You are the real HERO. I will teach to my children about your courage, sacrifice and selfless service to the nation. JAI HIND.
    Posted .
    Name: Lance
    Location: Abbott
    Message: Thank you for your services to the nation.
    Posted .
    Name: Som Mukherjee
    Location: London
    Message: You make us proud Uday ..... May you be born a million times in our blessed Motherland to rise and face every assault the enemy can think of. We are extremely proud of you. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Anup Kumar Chaturvedi
    Location: Miami, Florida, USA
    Message: Always desired & dreamed to serve the country, like you did, but could not, because of studies abroad. You & many more like you have made me proud & rekindled my desire to serve the country and be loyal to her. A true soldier not only fights for the country at home but also in a foreign country. Am proud of you - Class of 1975 - La-Martiniere for Boys -Calcutta
    Posted .
    Name: whatever you wish to call me
    Location: Rollercoaster
    Message: You are always on my mind. Conscious and unconscious thoughts and in small measure you have become my speech and actions. You are one in a million. Thanks for the ride, Uday.
    Posted .
    Name: AV Raman
    Location: UK
    Message: Very moving to read. Thanks for serving India. JAI HIND
    Posted .
    Name: Gency
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I always wondered why life felt so beautiful here (in my own country) and why everyone says this is the place to be. Now I know...... Lalima thanks for sharing this Web site with me.
    Posted .
    Name: Brigadier (Retired) Sukhwindar Singh
    Location: Noida
    Message: Dear KKK, How much uncomfort 'disconnect' can cause is being felt by Me today !! I visited Udai's Site, thanks to ' I salute Udai for his valour and bravery. What a Great Son of India !! My floral tribute to HIM ! Sukhi
    Posted .
    Name: Lt Gen Harbhajan Singh,PVSM (Retd)
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: My salutes to late Maj Udai Singh, for his courage, bravery, dedication to duty. To his parents,I can just say. WHAT A GREAT SON YOU GAVE BIRTH TO AND BROUGHT UP. We salute you too and are with you sharing the personal loss you suffered when Udai sacrificed his life,so that INDIANS can live peacefully. Though it is a pity that the really brave pay the supreme sacrifice and others keep living!!! JAI HIND
    Posted .
    Name: James Kanagaraj
    Location: Chennai
    Message: We salute you Udai Singh. You have left behind a trail of valour, indeed, very difficult for others to tread or emulate. We have added a link to our Blog at
    Posted .
    Name: Gungun
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: After so many years I finally thought I had the courage to write something here but the more I wanna write the more I feel that I'm short of words. Bhai, it's taken me quite some time to realize that u aren't there. I still think maybe u'd drop in the same surprising manner like you use to.....guess I found a lot in u than I could ever imagine.....u were that one true brother, friend, guide and everything else one could hope n wish for.....miss you big guy..........!!!
    Posted .
    Name: Anuj Kushwah
    Location: London
    Message: Salute Major Udai Singh for his courage and determination. A great Indian Soldier. Because of soldiers like Major Udai Singh we are safe at home. His parents & family will feel proud for what Major Udai Singh has done for the country. God bless his soul.
    Posted .
    Name: Atty
    Location: Does'nt matter
    Message: It is guys like Uddu sir and Subbu sir who keep the fire in us still raging. How better can a man die than facing fearful odds - for the ashes of his fathers and temples of his gods - macaulay. Though i met u only twice sir before i joined the unit but u sure did leave a mark which shall never fade away. So i guess the time will come soon when we get together and finish the bottle of beer which we left at asan barrage. Cheers mate.
    Posted .
    Name: Akshay
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Got thru nda bro...going 4 SSB...ur blessings is all that's needed now... VICTORY WILL BE OURS
    Posted .
    Name: Namita
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Someone sent me this ppt today, to mark India's Independence Day. It is a befitting tribute to all our soldiers, who sacrifice their all for us. Missed you dearly today.
    Posted .
    Name: Namesake
    Location: Mother Earth
    Message: Miss you dearly, always.
    Posted .
    Name: Priya
    Location: London
    Message: Udai, i miss you so often ...I pray that your soul rests in peace and that you are happy where ever you are. I know how it feels to loose a loved one...I also pray for mamaji and mamiji to have the courage to deal with this huge you baba.
    Posted .
    Name: Akshay Vikram
    Location: Unknown
    Message: People pray for the dead ones that their soul may have peace and freedom from this material world..but I say that souls like you should not attain freedom till evil is annihilated. i only hope that you have been born again and growing somewhere for another showdown with the terrorists. See you in combat by my side brother
    Posted .
    Name: Dhruv Sabharwal
    Location: New York, USA
    Message: Udai has made his country proud.
    Posted .
    Name: Shruti
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: No emails or Web sites has ever moved me so much then to see this wonderful piece of work collectively put together in memory of Udai. I as an Indian am very very proud of Udai. I salute all those people out there who fight their lives just to save our country. I am proud to be an Indian. This is an incredibly well made site. Thanks Lalima for sending the link across to me. I am glad I chose to take a look. Great work.
    Posted .
    Name: Hemant Singh
    Location: santa fe, nm- usa
    Message: People like Udai are the real hero's who go un-noticed everyday. We give more importance to the impotent politicians and good for nothing movie actors in India. Maybe it is time we change our focus to the brave men who sacrifice their lives without a split second's hesitation.
    Posted .
    Name: Vikram Jit Singh
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: While there is little more that I can say about Maj Udai's professionalism and courage, I would like to place on record my appreciation for the family of men like Maj Udai's who for a lifetime bear with courage and dignity the irreparable loss of losing a son for the country. I would also suggest, being a journalist myself, that the press clippings on Maj Udai be better displayed so that they are easily readable. Finally, for all those families who lose their sons to war, there is a fine book recently written by Maj Gen Ian Cardozo (retd) titled `INS Khukri: Survivors' Tales'. It is a poignant exploration of the lives of those who survived the dead of war. May God Bless All Those Who Died and Doubly Those That Live and Remember.
    Posted .
    Name: Harry
    Location: Noida
    Message: This site is a wonderful endeavor to pay homage to a hero like Udai. His maverick act is quite inspiring.Hope to see another surya-UDAI in times to come. Jai hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Namita Aurora
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Thank you Uday..For giving us life..for bringing in hope and love, for bringing us all together, for all your smiles and all the beautiful moments that made life worth living, for tears and grief that have made me more human.. I live a fuller, better and a more complete life, all because of you.
    Posted .
    Name: Shadow
    Location: doesnt matter
    Message: You will be avenged. A Soldiers Word.
    Posted .
    Name: Sheetal
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I believe that my message reaches you wherever you are...I am sure you are at peace coz you achieved what you seeked. Its sad that god snatched you away from this world so soon. I wish I had known you in your lifetime. Your death on the battlefield is truly India's loss. But, you will live forever in our hearts!
    Posted .
    Name: Snehal
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Dear Udai...We are proud of you. It is because of u that we live and we will live and die for our country.You will stay in our heart . A salute to u and all your friends..Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Rah
    Location: Chicago
    Message: Having a son like is a real honor and proud for your parents, Thank you is not enough for what you have done for us but that's all i have to give you, Long leave India ...Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Maj Amardeep Singh Sandhu
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Maj Udai was my senior in APS Dagshai and a very fun loving and kind hearted person,whom we all remember and will miss a lot. It was an honor to have known him.I salute him both for being a senior and for his dedication towards his task. He will always live on in our memory forever.
    Posted .
    Name: Pinki
    Location: US
    Message: I have no words other than being thankful from the bottom of my heart to you and your family. Very few get this chance and very few could achieve you did at such young age ... as a civilian we will always be thankful for the sacrifices you and your family made for all of us. Where ever u go you will always be the shining star for us and always be remembered in our hearts .May god bless such a family who up brought a brave son like you. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Pashupati
    Location: Canada
    Message: My salutations to this brave son of India! It is because of soldiers like Shaheed Major Udai Singh that we are prevailing over the enemy and also the reason why we shall eventually emerge victorious.
    Posted .
    Name: Virender
    Location: India
    Message: Salute to the brave soldier of motherland. You make us all indians feel proud.
    Posted .
    Name: Devjyoti Barooah
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: This is how one should live and die. My life seems so meaningless and useless. I salute the parents for creating such a marvellous warrior. Respectfully, Dev
    Posted .
    Name: sanjog rout
    Location: Unknown
    Message: your courage and sacrifice will always be an inspiration for millions.
    Posted .
    Name: Amar G
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Your brave deeds will always be an inspiration..
    Posted .
    Name: Vikas
    Location: Inconsequential
    Message: Uddu and Subbu were the best of pals and great buddies who joined the unit together. I still remember the day very vividly because I had the privelage of mixing their welcome drink. I also remember the day they had passed their probation and the effort of carrying back both the hulks to their room after the usual ceremony. It just bonded me more closer to them as I felt responsible for them in every way.These tough dudes were the thickest of pals and great go getters. Every now and then, old memories come back flooding the heart all at once and it makes me realise the actual impact of the blow that we have received. But thenours is not to reason why,ours is just to do and we go on and continue with what we all have to do, and who better to emulate then these guys. While Subbu was a serious natured guy meaning only business most of the time, Uddu was his counterpart. He was meant to lighten up the environment. Where ever he was present, you could expect the atmosphere to be rocking. He could cheer up the dullest of gatherings. But it was not all fun and games for Uday and this fact can easily be vouched for by all his friends from the last unit in which he served. Not only did they have a great guy for company, they learned certain important aspects of soldiering which I can say with surety they will never forget. He was a great guy, the best of friends, a great soldier and above all an unquestionable gentleman. His bubbling spirit showed in all his actions. It is really a proud feeling to know that these guys were from my unit. Moments may pass away and things may change, Memory may get dulled and tears wane, But one thing I can vouch for is That his Spirit will always remain. I know that Uday is around because a soldier never dies and so for your eyes Uday-- We all are and will always be proud of You. I have taken a long time to put down my thoughts, firstly to think of all those great times we all have spend together, your absence now, and most importantly because it hurts to put down your feelings and thoughts about a person you like and not havng him around but then my coming to terms with it is more to do with the feeling of Uddu being around.
    Posted .
    Name: Parminder Singh
    Location: Noida
    Message: a tribute to the warrior who laid down his life in the greatest service to the nation.thats the greatest unselfish sacrifice for the nation.
    Posted .
    Name: Maj Gen APS Chauhan (rtd)
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: What a pity and anguish that our society does not know how to cherish the deeds and values of those very few left now who live to reach beyond the reachable, dream of unthinkable , keep their sights and heads above others for honour duty and valour . For such was Udai the type on whom the nation still survives who do their bit and not whince one moment to look back. udai's example must be spread at every opportunity .jai hind, jai bharat ke veero, ojhal veer yuvao, desh se bari bhool ho rahi hai tumhare moolyon ki virasat na samajh paaye
    Posted .
    Name: Annu
    Location: chandigarh
    Message: well... raju mama wanted me to copy all your pictures and stuff from the web site... and while i was doin that .. i realised that its been long now.. things moves on but i some how believe that yu can read this message box where ever yu are .. so just wanted to tell yu that we miss yu... lot's! we miss every little thing about yu and now i really really regret that why was i so young, i mean had i been older, would have known yu more, spent more time with yu!!!!but hey i know yu are right here, mama and i were talkin about yu the other day.. and i know how hard it is for every one in the family... hope yu are just fine and rockin the place whrere ever yu are!
    Posted .
    Name: Deependra
    Location: kolkatta
    Message: I knew Uday from school days . I have been junior to him in school and was from same hostel. He was always someone who one could look up to. Those who know the man would agree he was ment to do extra ordnairy thing. I salute u Sir . .
    Posted .
    Name: Rishabh malhotra
    Location: Bangalore, India
    Message: i met a few officers from the elite para sf to which Major Uday belonged to. and i got to know how amazing these chaps are. u need to be a man made of iron to wear the BALIDAN crest.and MAJ.Uday lived upto the para motto BALIDAN. its my dream to join the para sf one day. and follow the footsteps of MAJ.UDAY. JAI HIND
    Posted .
    Name: Arun Sharma
    Location: US
    Message: Heartful thanks for a life well lived and well served. My salute to the departed warrior, the family that raised him and the country he served. May the supreme lord bless his spirit and "Peace Be Upon Him". And yes the war will be won and enemy defeated robustly, no doubt about it.
    Posted .
    Name: The Name does not matter
    Location: Kolkata
    Message: Weep not for the Past, Fear not for the Future..
    Posted .
    Name: Unknown
    Location: Unknown
    Message: I cannot change the past, I can only make my peace with it and move on. What makes it easier is knowing that you move with me each step of the way too..
    Posted .
    Name: Sohrab
    Location: Sydney
    Message: I cannot describe in words how i feel about this but may your soul rest in peace Uday
    Posted .
    Name: Sumir Khedkar
    Location: Tokyo
    Message: I have no word to say for you have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country.It remids me the only reason for India surviving is people like you. JAI HIND ...
    Posted .
    Name: Pradip
    Location: Pune
    Message: Salute..! I will love to come in this world in my next birth and wish to be a son of your proud parents..!!You have made all of us proud.we will never forget u and will never let our motherland down..! Jai hind...!
    Posted .
    Name: Hanumat
    Location: Finland
    Message: I slaute you Sir. You have made us all proud. You indeed attained matrydom as the richest man of India by serving nation with utmost dedication and selflessness. Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Arpan
    Location: US
    Message: Proud be the mother who gave her child to the nation. Proud be the father who's son became a man among men and proud be UDAY who gave the nation another peaceful surya uday....
    Posted .
    Name: Neeraj
    Location: UK
    Message: I salute Major Udai Singh. He has made us proud.
    Posted .
    Name: Deepak Subramanian
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: Subbu and Uddu were truly magnificent men, masters of their destiny,wielders of might and defenders of their country. At this point i could think of a very appropriate quote by shakespeare: "Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste death but once." - William Shakespeare ("Julius Caesar") Be assured at some point in the future, when the time for retribution is at hand, we will unleash hell on pakistan, making them pay for killing our finest. India Forever.
    Posted .
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: well INDIA needs officers like him. i myself am a die hard fan of the indian army. and what better role model than him. i salute you sir.
    Posted .
    Name: Aditya S. Puar
    Location: UK
    Message: 1. I have not had the honour of knowing Major Singh, but I would wish to take this opportunity to thank him for protecting the ordinary people of India from external aggression. 2. I would be remiss if I did not also thank the brave household that has reared a hero such as the Major, and has suffered such a terrible loss. 3. I am certain that god almighty shall protect the Major, and he is now in his care. Take heart. When wickedness grows in this world, he takes the form of the chastiser of the wicked, When injustice rears its head, he becomes the destroyer of iniquity. Let us thank god for giving the nation heroes like Major Udai Singh! Jai Jawan! Jai Hind!
    Posted .
    Name: Ujjal
    Location: Assam, India
    Message: Wherever you are, you know we miss you. Lots of love.
    Posted .
    Name: Nainan
    Location: Chennai
    Message: Looking at this website took me back to a time many years ago. It was a time when my father himself used to wear this uniform. He too wanted to die in his uniform and so he did. My respect for men like them comes from knowing what they do. My humble tributes to a brave soldier and a valiant hero. May his soul rest in peace and his sacrifice never be forgotten.
    Posted .
    Name: Django
    Location: NTK
    Message: Hi Lali! We at One still talk about him, and how he pulled everone's collective leg every now and then. Nostalgia... hits one below the belt actually. Great guy-really can't forget so many trips-all wild ones at that-we planned and executed. And all the heated arguments we used to have about the right way to execute tasks... it showed that he was really into and loved what he was doing. Take care. May peace be upon you.
    Posted .
    Name: Kiran Rao
    Location: Bangalore
    Message: I for one do not know anything of Major Udai Singh. But I am forever grateful for brave sons like him, on whose sacrifice we enjoy such freedom. I am proud that Major Udai Singh has upheld the proud heritage and traditions in the same way as his predecessors. Thank you sir. We are grateful and thankful that such brave sons like you keep us safe. Thank you again
    Posted .
    Name: Manne
    Location: M
    Message: I didn't know Major Udai Singh but I think I now do. This citizens of India will forever be indebted to brave soldiers like Uday & Subbu. Thank you chaps.
    Posted .
    Name: smita nair
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: For once I am proud to be from the same soil as Udai.
    Posted .
    Name: A Avasthi
    Location: UK
    Message: A true patriot who made the supreme sacrifice for his country. Jai Hind
    Posted .
    Name: Anirudh Singh
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: Udai is an integral part of the memories i have of my stay in IMA.He was my senior there but never behaved like one,he had a cool attitude and was helpful and use to motivate us all the time,saying that one must look at the bigger picture and to not get bogged down by the gruelling schedule in IMA. Everyone knew even then that he was going to join para's. He had that rear combination of being chilled out in life coupled with steely determination to achieve his goals. It has been two years since udai laid down his life for the country, but i didnt know about it. My career in the army was cut short by an injury and i shifted to mumbai. It is tough for me to put in words as to what i feel after knowing about udai.When i look back in time,i feel priveleged to have interacted with somebody like uday, for me he represented the best of qualities and was a perfect posterboy for a career in the forces.Men like uday are rear and truly lucky ones get a chance to meet someone like him. In the end i would like to say that it really doesnt matter as to how much time udai spent on this planet, beacause he enjoyed every moment and inspired others around him to live life to the fullest. He lived ten lives during the twenty-nine years he was here.
    Posted .
    Name: Raj Kumar
    Location: London
    Message: An inspired solider. Came to this web site via As the Gita states: "While speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead." "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor al these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be." "The material body of the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal living entity is sure to come to an end; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata." May the souls come back to be born as kshatriya. Bharat Mata Ki JAI
    Posted .
    Name: Ankur
    Location: Los Angeles, CA
    Message: I am at a complete loss of words to show my deepest gratitude to this brave son of India - I salute you for your unmatched bravery and ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. Jai Hind.
    Posted .
    Name: Riz Zaman
    Location: New York City
    Message: My respects to a great warrior & his family. A true son of India, let his name be remembered with pride forever.
    Posted .
    Name: Rajesh
    Location: Indiana, USA
    Message: Ultimate Sacrifice. REST IN PEACE. UDAY
    Posted .
    Name: Ajit
    Location: Washington DC, USA
    Message: I came across this page by reading forums on Indian Special Forces. If only there were many more of you and your special forces buddies, our country, our world will be such a better place. You strived for courage, victory for what was right, not money and greed. The Indian Special Forces are the creme de la creme of all warriors and of the population. Capt. Singh I salute you for your bravery and heroism, for you are a true warrior.
    Posted .
    Name: Padmini Mohan Kunnath
    Location: Nashik
    Message: "Those whom Gods love die young" so goes the saying.But why did God single you out and take you away from such a lovely family..Sudha,Col kkk and Lali? My heart goes out to them ,you will remain the shining 'sun'in their lives. Padmini Aunty
    Posted .
    Name: Zubin
    Location: Delhi
    Message: As heroic in life as in death. May more young men from india emulate Udai. An example for us all. I am proud and sad. bitter sweet.
    Posted .
    Name: Aarthi Mohan Kunnath
    Location: Nashik
    Message: After going through all the photographs,letters messages.........I'm left with a feeling of great sorrow.Never knew you in person but what I infer from it all is that you must have been a quintessential awe inspiring soldier.The great scorer has marked u like very few chosen heros before making everyone proud of you.
    Posted .
    Name: Karan Sarao
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I had the honour of meeting Maj. Uday Singh once, it was in APS Dagshai in 1998.Maj Uday Singh had visited his old house Patel and interacted with us students and motivated us to join the army and do something in life. Even then we were awed by the spirit and strive of Uday and his love for the country and sense of duty. His sacrifice humbles us all and for the precious little time he was with us , I thank god that I had the chance to meet a real life hero. May God bless Uday Singh
    Posted .
    Name: Saiyam Dua
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: Hi... I am Prithviraj's jadeja's friend .. he told me about UDAY and i visited this site ... sincerely i honour theis great chap .. we all indians by heart n soul really respect this young maverick who in reality gave his life for hiw own motherland .. there are peole who can say big dialogues .. but Uday belongs to those categories of people ... in which words stand no where for his larger than life ... GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL .. DUDE .. You set an example of being a true youth icon .
    Posted .
    Name: Maj Rohit Malhotra
    Location: IMA Dehradun
    Message: Though I havent had the honour of meeting the brave soldier.. It was indeed very touching to have visited the site. My sincere condolences to the family. Maj Rohit Malhotra TAPS batch of 1991
    Posted .
    Name: Aarti
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Dear Udai, I have always known you as a friend who was very helping and caring.I am proud to have a friend like you, God bless your soul.
    Posted .
    Name: Saumya
    Location: Ahmedabad
    Message: "The stars shine down and watch us live Our little lives And weep for us" Udai bhaiya, d only time i met u was when u came to A'bad after Bapu's death. I am so close to Sudha masi and Lali jija. Regret the fact that never got a chance to know u well.But have heard a lot about u from Masi, Usha aunty, Anil uncle and Mamma. If I were to make a wish, it would be to have u back in our lives and ample of opportunities to know a great person like u. Even though I have met u only once, but having heard and read so much about u, i feel U are the only one whos greatly inspired me.And to me, U are the most BEAUTIFUL person on this planet, dear brother!!! We are all proud of u and I salute u.
    Posted .
    Name: Gaurav Nabh
    Location: New Delhi, India
    Message: Although I never met Udai myself.. Being through this website has made understand things that we take for granted. I now understand the meaning of Supreme Sacrifice, Honour and dedication. Udai's courage and sacrifice are a testimony of the attitude and dedication of a Indian solider towards his country. I salute this brave soldier and hope that mere mortals like us take inspiration from a great soul – Udai..
    Posted .
    Name: Vipin Yadav
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: Don't know what to write, though i am feeling so much inside after reading here about you. I salute you Uday, and everyone at home. May you rest in peace..God Bless. Vipin, Tapsite'98
    Posted .
    Name: aditi anaadi sirothia
    Location: mentally with lali and parents
    Message: udai,our friend was always great.we think of him and talk of the great times spent with him.all this does make us happy coz we knew this out-of-the-world man,it does moves us to tears too.Uday,we love you.
    Posted .
    Name: anaadi aditi
    Location: down the memory lane
    Message: this is a great site for our great to know more about him thru this.wherever he is,must b enjoying - for old habits continue and we r sure u never thot of changing,udai.whole lot of us is with ur parents and sis.
    Posted .
    Name: Mela Daniel
    Location: New Jersey, USA
    Message: Dearest Baba, You will always live in our hearts and minds sweet Baba. You are the brightest star! I can never forget your beautiful smile. Heaven must be a brighter place. Lovingly Mela
    Posted .
    Location: AMBALA
    Posted .
    Name: Bharati Menon
    Location: India
    Message: May Udai & Subbu's life serve as an eye opener to us all - "watan ki fikr kar nadaan musibat aane wali hai / teri barbadiyon ke mashwarein hain aasmano mein./ na samjhoge to mit jaoge eh watanwalon / tumhari daastan bhi na hogi daastano mein." Iqbal
    Posted .
    Name: Annu
    Location: Chandigarh
    Message: dearest bhiya its so starange to write here but am sure u r reading it, i still remember the diwali u sneaked all of us out and we had a rockin time its imprinted so clearly.the phone call u had made during diwali....i know life goes on but it is never gonna be the same with out u.singh family is incomplete without u!but i am sure u r lookin out for us the way u looked after the whole nation..we are all soooooo proud of u. love u forever
    Posted .
    Name: Maj Pawar
    Location: Kohima
    Message: Uddu is here with us and will always remain.
    Posted .
    Name: Maj (Retd) P M Ravindran
    Location: Palakkad, Kerala
    Message: May his soul rest in eternal peace!
    Posted .
    Name: Sahaj
    Location: does'nt matter
    Message: hi dude.. these things happen when mountains and men meet - not while you're loitering on the streets.... i'm sure you're living it up wherever you are! and knowing you it must the happening place around town.
    Posted .
    Name: Era Chadha
    Location: Gurgaon
    Message: Dear Udai, It's hard to believe you're not around anymore... extremely sad and painful to know you really are not. I feel lucky to have known you, even if only for a short while. You were such a great guy! You were one person to whom courage, dignity, strength and goodness of character truly belonged. Your achievement and sacrifice have made us all so proud...we're indebted to you for what you did to keep us and our country safe. Thank you... I'll always remember you with a lot of fondness and respect. God bless you and may you always be happy and peaceful wherever you are.
    Posted .
    Name: Brig B.Raghunathan (Retd)
    Location: SECUNDERABAD
    Message: My whole family salute the families and parents of such great heroes... Our Army is what it is today b'se of such sacrifices.. GOD bless their souls.
    Posted .
    Name: Siddharth Patankar
    Location: NDTV, New Delhi
    Message: Dear Sudha Aunty, What a wonderful tribute to our dear brave Udai. This is truly inspirational stuff. I do believe that Udai being the way is - is smiling as he always did - as he looks down at us!
    Posted .
    Name: Brig Thyagarajan (Retd)
    Location: SECUNDERABAD
    Message: Dear relatives, friends dear and near ones of Maj Uday singh, We are thrilled with the great valour exhibited by the TRUE DEDICATED soldier Maj Uday. His achievements are aweinspiring. I have no doubt that he has become the example for a number of young people to follow his footsteps and keep our Country's flag flying sky high. I take great pride in saluting this immortal soldier. Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the irrepairable loss of our dear Uday. may his soul rest in Peace.
    Posted .
    Name: Colonel A Sridharan, VSM (Retd)
    Location: Coimbatore
    Message: Dear Parents of a Great Soldier, Namaskar. We are proud of your dear son and his achievements in such a short span of time. His Paper Napkin says it all. He would for ever be a role model to many in our country. His supreme sacrifice will not go waste. Your son will be remembered by us for he is one of the very few who gave his today for our tomorrow. He was one of the few rare breed of young men who considered duty supreme. In this Kaliyug, such men are few and far between. We know that you and your family will miss your son forever. You will live only with the memories of his life in your midst. But you are not alone in this. We, as part of Indian Exservicemen eGroup, share your sorrow and grief and at the same time, we are proud of your son, as much, if not more, than you are. May God rest his soul in eternal peace. May He grant you the strength to bear this great loss. If there is anything that we can ever do, please do not hesitate to tell us. We owe that much to your son. Best Regards Colonel A Sridharan, VSM (Retd)
    Posted .
    Name: Saad
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: It strange that I don't feel that he's gone. He was a person who cared for the family, friends and all those who came in his circle of life. His patent word was let's do it, re[presenting the energy and zeal to go on and on.He was the man of action in true sense. He was the best. He will live forever in my spirits. His life can be summed up as "If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it". He lived life KING SIZE and that's what he stood for.
    Posted .
    Name: AHMED's
    Location: Bhopal
    Message: Salutations to the brave father's, brave mother's, brave sister's heroic UDAY. It seems GOD needed you more then us but my only anguished question & plea to HIM is why can,t you also call people who are not worth living on this planet??? Why only the young,the courageous , the virtous,the worthy & those who only spread love,sunshine,joy & peace on this earth.Well GOD you'll have to answer all these questions before I answer the ones put to me by my ANGELS .GOD bless all.
    Posted .
    Name: Sanjay Thapa
    Location: The Para Bde
    Message: At the outset kudos to the team or indl effort of those who have swung this so touching and well made website. to write about Uddu in a capsule size !" X 2" is close to the equivalent of a GWTW in a commercial !! will keep putting my thots' every time I open this keep checking. For Uddu - we miss you...dude !!!
    Posted .
    Name: Navneet
    Location: hyderabad
    Message: Its men like you who make us feel safe in our homes. Never knew you personally, but judging by the responses , you must have been one hell of a guy.
    Posted .
    Name: Nupur Gupta
    Location: New Delhi
    Message: I never knew you personally, but we had common friends and I heard a lot about you; the amazing person, great personality, brave and so much more. We are very proud of you and I wish I could have had the opportunity to convey the same to you in person. Wish you peace..always.
    Posted .
    Name: S.Ramachandran
    Location: Mumbai
    Message: : You came to Mumbai along with the body of your dear buddy subbu on 21.06.2000, but we could hardly talk as you had to return to the palton the same day. Even when you came to meet us at Delhi,the train played the villain and we could not meet you then also. Your last phone call before Diwali (2003)when you promised that you will be with us never happened as Death came running and took you to your dear friend Subbu. Hope you are having a good time with your friend. There are only now memories for us to remember.
    Posted .
    Name: Karishma Maini
    Location: King of Prussia, PA, USA.
    Message: Dearest Udai, You were my ACCC Guy (All cock and bull with complete confidence!) Your never say die attitude influenced everybody and your strong personality made an impression on all! No one you met could ever forget you. You surely were the coolest one. You taught me so much about life and myself in the 4 years that I knew you. And today, one year after you are gone I still don't believe it because you always had this uncanny way of springing surprises and I am still hoping for one...... You are simply the best and always will be....I am so proud of you, after all, didn't you always say - "Gotta go honey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!!"
    Posted .
    Name: Karishma Maini
    Location: King of Prussia, PA, USA.
    Message: There are leaders and, then there are leaders There are those who can lead you up to the mountain and, then those for whom you’ll jump off the mountain. There are those who will take you up the ladder and, then those who will support you when you fall off the ladder. There are those who will take you to glory and fame and, then those who take you in their wing when you’re nothing but a name. There are those who expect you to follow and, then those who will push, pull or carry you to help you reach there. There are those who reach for the stars and, then those who see the stars in your eyes and help you live your dreams. There are those who will teach you how to take the blame and, then those who will cover up for you just to keep you sane. There are those who will take the ultimate award and, then those who will hand it over to you as your reward. There are those who cultivate it and, then those who are born with it. There are those who show it off and, then those who shine with it! And you Udai stand in the latter category!! You were simply the BEST!
    Posted .
    Name: Gurteg Sandhu
    Location: London
    Message: "Death will smile at us all...all we can do is smile back" I know this is what Udai must have done - smiled back. Udai, my senior at APS Dagshai, was one of a kind - may be thats why God wanted him back and was jealous of us having him. I know he irmly believed that this was the best way to pass on and only he could have actually achieved it - full of valour, bravery & courage! Bash on Udai - wherever you are!
    Posted .
    Name: Lali
    Location: Home
    Message: It feels strange, posting a message on this site...Its been a year since you left us, Uday...and I still feel like you're around & with you're going to come barging back home on leave & spoil my plans with your " Whats up, lali". Uday left us at a time, when he was moving & growing in his life...& in his career...& it seems logical to me that in his death or through his death too...he could only have moved on for the better. The memories are for us to remember & the pain for us to bear.You, dear on! I miss you.
    Posted .